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  1. Lycan45

    Futuristic Infinite Universe

    Jho the Monsterous experiment Jho roars as he charges and swings his tail at some of the shooting people "!" He yells as he shoots more dragon breath at other shooting people and grabs one and crushes the person's skull with only his hand.
  2. Lycan45

    Futuristic Infinite Universe

    Jho the Monstrous Experiment As he was walking in a forest trying to find the lab he came from suddenly he was teleported to another place "this...not...where....i....was" he would say and he heard the sounds of battle and decided to run to the sounds and as he got there he got shot with...
  3. Lycan45

    Futuristic Infinite Universe RP Signups

    Image of your character: the spikes on the shoulder and jaw of the armor are physically on him and hes 7'4 and he has the tail of Deviljho. Name: Jho Powers: and Abilities can expel Dragon energy as a beam from his mouth and he can expand his muscles when angry revealing old scars Equipment: Jho...