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  1. VoidPointer

    A question about comic 38 and the locators...

    Oh, almost certainly. It's not a game balance issue, it's just that for some weird reason, I just find it more disturbing that someone could track the Exaltations than that they could track the Exalted. ... I love this idea and wish to subscribe to its newsletter. It's like those stories people...
  2. VoidPointer

    A question about comic 38 and the locators...

    Good point. Sidereals are sneaky, but probably not *that* sneaky. Or that hard-working. :mrgreen: *checks* ... Ah. You're right. I must have gotten the one First Age place that Misho frequented with all-white decor and a bunch of Exalted hanging out with the *other* First Age place that...
  3. VoidPointer

    A question about comic 38 and the locators...

    ... Right. Forgot about that. Still, I imagine that a competent Sidereal circle with the backing of the Bronze faction could probably achieve the epic task of opening a door. :P Jukashi's commentary at the bottom says something to that effect. Well-guarded by whom? For the entire Shogunate...
  4. VoidPointer

    A question about comic 38 and the locators...

    I knew I forgot to mention something! I've read everything so far; I was just re-reading and came to the realization that I hadn't ever puzzled out this particular question. (edited: because semicolons join independent clauses)
  5. VoidPointer

    A question about comic 38 and the locators...

    This may have been brought up before, but I can't find the issue brought up anywhere, and the discussion thread for comic 38 seems to be missing, so: What does the fact that half the locators are broken have to do with Secret? Why can't Misho tell her what it has to do with her? What does all...