Matthew kept his mouth shut. For all I know he already looked at my family’s social media. I just thank god that none of them know about Josh or haven’t met him. While Josh was suspending anything connected to him on social media, Matthew was texting his family about Jason breaking out of jail...
Matthew sat there and just listened before leaning forward and running his fingers through his hair. Letting his hands settle to cradle his head as he closed his eyes. I shouldn't have opened my mouth. I should have just tried to figure it out on my own. Now I've dragged Josh into this and other...
"Josh..." Before he could get anymore out than his boyfriend's name, the other was already calling his uncle. He moved to sit on the edge of his bed. Biting his lip as Josh talked with his uncle. I shouldn’t involve more people. I shouldn’t have said anything. Looking at Josh, Matthew had a...
Getting his breathing under control was his number one priority. Even as He tensed feeling someone sit next to him and wrap him up in their arms. It was only when he heard Josh’s voice threw the fog that his body slowly began to relax even though his breathing was still an issue. “C-can’t...
“Such a good boy…” Matthew sat in a chair tied up and a piece of cloth tied around his mouth preventing him from speaking. He shuddered as he looked ahead into the dark room. He wasn’t able to close his eyes only open them wider as a hand came into his vision. He started breathing more as a...
With the time passing and it getting later and later, it was getting hard and hard to stay awake. Looking back out the window Matthew bit his lip and then looked at the time. He didn’t know if these meetings lasted all night into the morning or even a whole day. Getting up from the window seal...
After the conversation with his sister and talking about mundane things, Matthew felt a bit lighter as he parked in the university parking lot.
Oh just admit you love him! Tell him back! He could hear his sisters voice. You might even get lucky~ Matthew smiled and laughed a bit. He didn’t have...
He was able to get to the store before it closed and purchase a new phone. “Do you want to keep your current number? Or get a new one?” Matthew thought about this as they recovered his data and contacts to his new phone. “Um… keep the current.” He said as much as he regretted. But also as he...
Matthew smiled a bit and couldn't help but chuckle. "They'd be a conversation I'd like to see. Just to see the looks on my folk's faces." He said as his smile grew imagining the looks on his parents and sister’s faces. I’d even pay money to see it.
However, his smile vanished a bit when Josh...
“Right.” Matthew almost felt embarrassed for calling his own boyfriend sexy. But he couldn’t help it. If he was honest, he had a bit of a weakness for guys in uniforms, they just looked so good!
He listened to Josh as he always does, he didn’t mind Joshua’s talking. In fact he found the...
Looking at the food, Matthew saw the many choices. They even changed their menu so quickly to cater to the other werewolves. "Hm?" He looked at Josh when he felt an arm around him. He then looked around and noticed that some, well quite a few people were looking at them, him in particular. He...
Standing there with Josh, Matthew let his boyfriend talk with his parents as he watched people walk by still talking about the werewolf news. I doubt this will die down quickly. Being hugged by Josh brought his attention back, Matthew smiled, "Yeah." He said as he walked with Josh.
Matthew watched Josh and smiled a bit. He's excited. Getting up he walked over to Josh, placing his hands on the other's sides. "Whatever you decide to wear, I think you'll be accepted." He said before he leaned up and pressed his lips against Josh's. "So..." he began again once he pulled away...
As Josh talked on the phone, Matthew leaned against Josh enjoying the distraction from his own mind with the arm around him. He was pretty much silent while Josh talked on the phone. Once the phone call ended and Josh's friends got up to leave, Matthew looked at Caleb and Duncan. "I'll keep that...
Coming out of the bathroom, Matthew saw Josh retract some of his wolf features. He resisted the urge to rub at the scar on his chest not wanting to worry Josh and just be there to support him. Get it together, Matt. Moving to sit down on his bed, he folded his legs. He was trying hard not to...