Search results for query: *

  1. blaseheart

    Fantasy Project Lupas

    Feeling slightly disgusted by their obvious show of affection, he scrunched his nose, obviously looking down at them in their moment of weakness. Shaking out of his stupor, he motioned for the men in the prison room to bring in the same hospital beds from before, as well as all of the...
  2. blaseheart

    Fantasy Project Lupas

    "Hmmm.. how unfortunate that neither of you possess that third form. It would have made your time here in my lab so much more interesting. We would have gotten to know each other much more." Charles practically purred, something that he found hysterically funny, considering that he was holding...
  3. blaseheart

    Fantasy Project Lupas

    "...Hold on. If you say that there are things that only affect you as humans, wouldn't there also be things that only affect you in your werewolf forms? Oh, if that's true, then I could spend so much time just exploring all the possibilities. But, if it takes too long, I might get bored... which...
  4. blaseheart

    Fantasy Project Lupas

    "Hmm... I suppose that information is intriguing, however, surely you must be aware that I can tell your underlying motive. There is absolutely no way that I will send anyone to help you remove the bullets. After all, regardless of how calm and obedient you guys seem right now, who knows what...
  5. blaseheart

    Multiple Settings GM looking for cool people with amazing characters

    Hello! I'd be down to do something if you're still open! Personally, I'm most down for a villain/evil-wins scenario, although everything else sounds really cool too! As long as you're ok with me being not as experienced with rping and having only limited knowledges about existing video games.
  6. blaseheart

    Multiple Settings Hearts Connect

    Is this still open? I'd like to join.
  7. blaseheart

    Fandom Fandoms Galore! (OC x Canon; Doubling Friendly!)

    Hello! I see that you wanna do a rp about Naruto/Naruto Shippuden. I'd be down to play Sasuke, as long as you're patient with me since I'm still relatively inexperienced with rping!!😅
  8. blaseheart

    Fantasy Project Lupas

    "You call what I am doing 'pathetic' and 'misguided'? How dare you mock my research? And you still dare to try to make requests? Even after acknowledging your positions as my prisoners? The audacity!" He sneered in frustration, furious that they would dare question his methods. Clenching his...
  9. blaseheart

    Fantasy Project Lupas

    Seeing such a mild response, Charles was a little frustrated. It seemed like he had underestimated their desire to escape or fight back. At least... for now. Perhaps... perhaps... more... MOTIVATION, was required. Twirling around in his chair, he pressed a button, activating the sound-proof...
  10. blaseheart

    Fantasy Project Lupas

    Seeing the protective stance that the other werewolf exhibited, Charles assumed that he had stabbed the female, as the male had revealed earlier that he was most scared of losing his mate. Well, it didn't really matter to him which one he had stabbed. Further observing the pair's postures, he...
  11. blaseheart

    Fantasy Project Lupas

    "Hmm...," Charles contemplated as he paced around the huddled pair. "You say that but... the bullets do seem like they did at least a little bit more damage than you said." Suddenly, he stopped walking and removed his surgical gloves and replacing them with a pair of more sturdy-looking gloves...
  12. blaseheart

    Fantasy Project Lupas

    Charles tsked in annoyance. He should have expected that they would try something once they were freed. Oh well, it was his mistake to not command his men to release them one by one. Looking at their irritatingly triumphant expressions, he sneered, clearly judging them for celebrating too...
  13. blaseheart

    Fandom 𝙞𝙧𝙧𝙚𝙜𝙪𝙡𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙮 ー ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀꜱ

    NAME Shio, Meraki NICKNAME TBD HERO NAME Ctrl C AGE Sixteen GENDER Male DOB 12/19 APPEARANCE He has a relatively skinny build that looks deceptively weak. However, due to his quirk, he always trains his body, so it is actually way stronger than it looks. His wardrobe is filled with nothing but...
  14. blaseheart

    Fantasy Project Lupas

    Upon hearing these words, Charles merely smiled, hiding his wild joy inside. After all, he still had appearances to keep. Sighing contentedly, he clapped his hands and his henchmen swarmed in, bringing with them various research equipment including hospital beds, various machines to keep an...
  15. blaseheart

    Fantasy Project Lupas

    "Perfect," Charles purred out, almost moaning in pleasure at the simply endless possibilities. As time was running out on the serum's effectiveness, he quickly asked, "What are your weaknesses?" Thinking a little more, he decided to risk it and ask, "Also, are your weaknesses the same as...
  16. blaseheart

    Fantasy Project Lupas

    Charles grinned maliciously, for he was truly satisfied with this answer. Judging by the female's actions, she, too, was aware of how dangerous this situation has become for them, and how much power he had over them now that he had this information. Smiling widely, he pranced over to the...
  17. blaseheart

    Fantasy Project Lupas

    A bit frustrated by the response, he felt anger towards himself before calming down. Yes, he realized that it was his own fault for not making the question clearer. Trying again, he asked, "Are you two mates?" While waiting for an answer, he reflected that the answer to this question would...
  18. blaseheart

    Fantasy Project Lupas

    When Charles returned, he was pleasantly surprised when the male werewolf finally decided to speak. He said, "Whatever it is you want, I'll give it to you. It's yours. Just spare her." What made this situation even funnier was that the girl turned to face him and said, "Ignore him, you can...
  19. blaseheart

    Fantasy Project Lupas

    Taking the snarl as the warning it was, Charles quickly removed his hand from her chin just in time to dodge her bite. With curiosity, he noted that her ears and tail had come out. It seems like werewolves could make their physical appearance change at will, or, at least, in times of great...
  20. blaseheart

    Fantasy Project Lupas

    Charles sat in a chair that he placed in a dark corner of the room earlier, observing his future subjects as they were unconscious. He smirked and licked his lips, feeling ecstatic just thinking about all the research he could do with them under his control. They were actually werewolves...