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  • Users: merle
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  1. merle

    Lunar Quest

    Just wanted to say that I hope final exams go well! I've been going nuts with a final project myself.
  2. merle

    How is your recovery coming, Jukashi?

    Damn...obviously, it's time to start working on developing some modicum of art skill, so I can make some fanart! That, or start commissioning people for some.
  3. merle

    How is your recovery coming, Jukashi?

    Just wondering if there's been any change - is Jukashi OK?
  4. merle

    How is your recovery coming, Jukashi?

    That's it, young man - no drawing until the hand is better! Unless you'd like to try drawing with your feet.
  5. merle

    Keychain #366-370

    Even villains can be good bosses! Siddies are bad news, though.
  6. merle

    All right, let's talk about this thing

    Honestly? It's visually simple, but distinctive, and much more capable of a sense of motion and expression than, say, Order of the Stick-style stick figures.
  7. merle

    Keychain #356-360

    No harm no foul! :lol: I think it's just the sheer adorableness of the poor disheveled DB girl coming face-to-face with an (as far as she knows) evil evil EEEEVIL Lunar that broke the page.
  8. merle

    Keychain #356-360

    You broke the page format! I do hope they don't have to kill her over this.
  9. merle

    All right, let's talk about this thing

    Short answer: Do whatever you have to, to make the comic more enjoyable. It's your project, and the most important thing is that it be satisfying for you to create.
  10. merle

    Keychain #356-360

    ...or unless someone gives them a wedgie. Which reminds me, I need to look into the feasibility of a prank-based martial arts style...would be quite appropriate for a Lunar I have in mind.
  11. merle

    Keychain #356-360

    Oh, dear...well, obviously Luna thinks that they're skilled enough to survive this, at least. Probably. Also, Jukashi, hope you feel better, and have a good break! Your health is most definitely more important than the comic, and I bet most everyone else here feels the same way.
  12. merle

    Keychain #351-355

    I'm wondering if there is any way they could pass her off as a Terrestrial, until her anima starts flaring? Might be possible to at least partially keep their cover, if so.
  13. merle

    Keychain #351-355

    *cough* That gives a whole new meaning to Wikileaks, doesn't it? I'm a horrible person.
  14. merle

    Keychain #351-355

    The chance to sneak around Marena, possibly in *cough* dishabille, is quite the incentive. Though I doubt she would have minded if Secret had just stayed visible.
  15. merle

    Keychain #351-355

    Somehow, I doubt it...still, with Exalted you can never be sure!
  16. merle

    Keychain #351-355

    Aww, that poor Water Aspect...was she really attacking with her eyes closed? That looked to me like "I'm-about-to-get-my-ass-painfully-kicked-and-I-know-it-but-I-can't-bear-to-back-down-oh-god-not-the-face-please" Prana. Also, I now like Ten Winds significantly more than I did before. I...
  17. merle

    Comic delay 29/11/10

    I was starting to get worried...I should've thought to check the forums earlier. Hope the computer issues clear up, and glad you're well, Jukashi!
  18. merle

    Keychain #336-340

    An elderly elemental master travelling with a blond man with glasses and a red-haired woman with obvious *cough* assets. That's probably going to be a fairly unique description, and if anyone's tracking Our Heroes...
  19. merle

    Keychain #336-340

    Well, ain't this a revoltin' development... Happy birthday, Jukashi! This definitely came as a surprise to me, I need to remember the same thing as Marena.
  20. merle

    Keychain #336-340

    I still don't believe that he actually kissed Misho. I believe it will have to be repeated, for scientific verification. :twisted: