Search results for query: *

  1. HertzaHaeon

    REQUESTING - Second Edition Charm Cards

    I'd go with the group tag inside the charm tag, to have it optional. Otherwise everything looks great.
  2. HertzaHaeon

    REQUESTING - Second Edition Charm Cards

    I just thought of another thing. Maybew there should be a <group /> tag too. For most Exalted Charms it would have the same value as the Ability it's based on, but Lunar Charms could have the Attribute or the classification in the book (like Interaction). Spirit Charms would have the Virtue and...
  3. HertzaHaeon

    REQUESTING - Second Edition Charm Cards

    Sounds good. I guess it's not much to fuzz about. As long as it's clear to both humans and machines what data comes from White Wolf and what comes from fans, all is good. If I can check if the <company/> tag is set to "White Wolf", it should work fine. Just to clarify - the keywords and costs...
  4. HertzaHaeon

    REQUESTING - Second Edition Charm Cards

    Hmm. I can't help to think it's a bit much, even if all the tags could be useful. I guess if most of them are optional it'll be fine. My original idea was a tag that simply marks if a charms comes from one of WW's Exalted books. A simple yes or no, not something you'd have to derive from a bunch...
  5. HertzaHaeon

    REQUESTING - Second Edition Charm Cards

    If we're going to have reliable people putting together xml data of the official charms, isn't it easier to get them to include a canon tag than to get all fans to include an unofficial tag? But I guess someone could think they're being canon for following WW:s Charm creation guidelines...
  6. HertzaHaeon

    REQUESTING - Second Edition Charm Cards

    It all sounds good. But what if you make a general source tag, both for official charms, their books and pages, and custom charms with author, date and perhaps an url? And maybe a specific way to mark official data from WW?
  7. HertzaHaeon

    REQUESTING - Second Edition Charm Cards

    Oh right, two more things. What about martial art styles? How do you group Charms into styles? For custom Charms, what would you use to mark the author? Maybe a creation date or version could be useful as well.
  8. HertzaHaeon

    REQUESTING - Second Edition Charm Cards

    I understand the need for expressing it in a way that programs can use, but maybe it could be noted that you don't expect it to be translated to human readable description and that it should be included in the description as well. I don't know, maybe it's obvious. Hmm, I can't think of an...
  9. HertzaHaeon

    REQUESTING - Second Edition Charm Cards

    Looks good to me. The exalted-type tag is a bit misleading as it would be used to distinguish spirit charms, arcanoi, etc. But it's just a tag name I guess. The information in the special tags used for marking how many times a charm can be picked should be described in the text description...
  10. HertzaHaeon

    REQUESTING - Second Edition Charm Cards

    I'm hoping that WW will allow it since they have the same data available on their own Wiki. I'm all for that. If there's a good XML format I'd happily write an import/export function for it. I've even had thoughts about writing a page that doesn't rely on PHP or MySQL at all, just html...
  11. HertzaHaeon

    REQUESTING - Second Edition Charm Cards

    Done. If I release the source, people can of course tweak everything as they like.
  12. HertzaHaeon

    REQUESTING - Second Edition Charm Cards

    Glad you like it. Charm data in a MySQL table is very easy to export to any XML format, so I think it would be a good place to start. I could easily add an XML export option.
  13. HertzaHaeon

    REQUESTING - Second Edition Charm Cards

    Hello. I've made a web application that lets you select Charms and print them on cards. I recently updated them for 2e in an attempt to see if I others find it useful. It sounds a bit like what you're talking about here. Web printing is tricky, but I've tried to...