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  1. R

    Funniest Quotes OOC or IC from Exalted

    "You... up in the sails???" An eclipse merchant from chiroscuro in Nexus to a Lunar full moon on the PC's ship "UGHGHGHHHHHHHH!!!" The Lunars reply "This problem with these solars is off the hizzle for shizzle my dearest abyssals" The Mask of Winters upon discovering the PC's had...
  2. R

    Evil twisted sadistic minds needed

    When I need to torture PC's... I'll ask Jakk first and foremost, you sick f@  I love it :twisted: ... secondly I like to go for psychological torture run an entire session or two in a dreamscape that they think is reality, you don't have to tell the PC's its fake, make it bad, whatever problems...
  3. R

    Need help with new players

    PWNAGE!!! Thanks a bunch guys, I have to say you've all been a big help and that stunt sheet will be worth it's weight in gold for certain, again thanks. :D
  4. R

    Problem Players Anonymous [a 1E game]

    Kind of long sorry...        When I've encountered problems like this, I tend to try to resolve the issue in game, for a character like this make it painfully aware that your not going to tolerate this kind of bungholery OOC, pull him aside in private and say "dude... yadda yadda yadda"...
  5. R

    Exalted Chuck Norris

    Oh jesus chuck norrisisms and exalted... All charms are considered reflexive for Chuck Norris because anything else would imply that he has to use effort to activate his supernatual prowess. Did you know Chuck Norris has his own type of exalted When Chuck Norris chooses a worthy soul to...
  6. R

    Need help with new players

    I'm a veteran of Exalted and I just started a new game with two new players, of the entirety of the system is foriegn to them. This is easy o overcome however but the biggest problems I've noticed with new players are two things.     First, I at least have trouble getting them to understand...
  7. R

    Most Epic Plot You've Run

    Nice Kremlin, having Exalts in the modern era is always a good time IMHO The most epic game I've ever run Exalted or otherwise was titled Chronciles of Nexus in which the characters saved the city from a joint invasion of the Realm, Ma-Ha-Suchi and MoW with Juggernaut. They then fought the...