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  1. B

    Infernal Previews!

    Actually, I think the Headdress is called a Wimple, and the whole outfit is called a Habit.
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    Keychain #141 - 145

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    Keychain 121-126

    My guess would be Miss Marple
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    How Did You Find This Site?

    If I remember I found the old Compendium through Google, and then when it died found out about Redux through the Wiki.
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    Cavalry movement in Mass Combat (2e)

    I've had a quick look through and can't see this question asked elsewhere. In my current campaign, the PC's are just about to lead a smallish army (2000 men) into battle, so I've been looking at the Mass Combat rules. I was happy until I reached the Movement rates of various cavalry. An...
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    Flow Like Blood Discussion From Sorcery Thread

    I had an immediate gut-reaction about FFBS being better than FLB when I read them and so I've houseruled that FLB does everything FFBS does, plus defends against co-ordinated attacks, because its a purely defensive ability. So far my group's managed to avoid any combat since we converted the...