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  1. Balathustrius

    Charm Idea: Rouse the solar host.

    I think that if the magic allows all Solars to enter a trance and meet with the initiator, then it would be EXTREMELY powerful.  But I don't know why it couldn't be done with Adamant level sorcery.  I would set the cost upwards of 80 motes, though. I also think that a Solar would be able to...
  2. Balathustrius

    Horror in Exalted.

    workingboy, read no farther please. (Yes, I do trust him not to read farther - I've known him a long time, and he doesn't want to know what I'm thinking when I make GM decisions.  Whereas, if any of the rest of my players see this, the condition of metagaming is still character death.)...
  3. Balathustrius

    Rein me in, here. I went mad a while back.

    "Heaven's been breached?" *coughs* (at this point the deathlords and their armies would be piles of fine ash blowing in the wind)
  4. Balathustrius

    Secret Projects of the Realm

    I've been playing with an idea in my head for a while that would have ridiculous consequences.  What if the Realm DBs and Sidereals figured out a way to use their manses to direct the flow of essense along dragonlines and cut off essense flow from small portions of the world. Say, for...
  5. Balathustrius

    Horror in Exalted.

    wordman, that sucks.  I mean, really, that sucks. Palm, my inclination was to do just as you say - focus on the storytelling (since, as it's repeatedly pointed out, Exalted is a cinematic game), and let the rules come in second place.  There's only a slight problem with thatt - the...
  6. Balathustrius

    Horror in Exalted.

    Thanks for the advice, everyone. I warned the players about how crazy the place was going to be, and quoted the book "This is a horror story, not an adventure yarn."  As a result, they've been uncooperative and overly careful. One of my player's characters is insanely perceptive with an...
  7. Balathustrius

    Horror in Exalted.

    I'm currently STing the Invisible Fortress.  The group has made it to the fortress, and if anyone has any pointers or good ideas that worked for you, I'd love to hear them. And if you're one of my players reading this, and you use ooc knowledge, I will find out a way to caste Rune of Singular...