Search results for query: *

  1. HelloHoneyBee

    The avatar above you got arrested. Why?

    Arrested for unlicenced Copyright right stuff. copyrights by...both Sega and Nintendo. They can't tell if its a pokemon or a sonic character, so theyll assume it's both.
  2. HelloHoneyBee

    How far can we count until someone posts a pokemon picture?

    Whoops let me just put this here for ya's <3
  3. HelloHoneyBee

    Fantasy [CLOSED] Alt-Dimension/Alt-Form RP - Anyone else interested?

    Aw man this sounds like SUCH a fun concept!!!! Im such a sucker for weird creature and monster lmao I'd absolutely love to join if at all possible!!! Discord or whatever else ya want ♡♡♡♡
  4. HelloHoneyBee

    The Person Above Rolled a 1

    You seem to have bought a whole rice farm and brought home with a live chicken and cow instead... I wanted to sing a song but I rolled a 1.
  5. HelloHoneyBee

    Word Associations

  6. HelloHoneyBee

    How would you kill the avatar above you?

    Feed them a mouse laced lye
  7. HelloHoneyBee

    Define the avatar above you in one word

  8. HelloHoneyBee

    How would you kill the avatar above you?

    I'd give her virus a virus so the virus gives her a virus!!!!!
  9. HelloHoneyBee

    Realistic or Modern Superheroes and Villains Characters

    (( wait dose that mean i'm approved??? or nah??? sorry!!!! ))
  10. HelloHoneyBee

    Realistic or Modern Superheroes and Villains Characters

    Hero or villain or neutral: Neutral...Leans towards Villain. Name: Swindle Code name: "Samual Brooker" or "Sammy" or just Swindle Age: A lot older then you'd think. Gender: Male Appearance: He comes with three different appearances! Root/Default Mode - This is his stand-alone form. Very...
  11. HelloHoneyBee

    Ban the person above you for any reason.

    banned because im 99.9% sure you don't actually know how to play the flute thus insulting the flute gods
  12. HelloHoneyBee

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hi hi henlo there!!!! I'm Honeybee, I like cyberpunk, sci-if, robots, monsters and sooo much more and if you couldn't tell, I'm new here!!!!!! I'm not really new to RPing though, just new to this style of interactions and all that jazz. Most of my rps are usually on other sites, but recently my...