Okay. That helps me make more sense of that. Also, I noticed in the DB book it says that most Dynast children have several servants that attend to them, but there is one particular servant who acts as the childs tutor. Would this person fall under the Mentor category of Backgrounds and would...
Yeah. That's probably a better way of putting it. But on somethings, like Backgrounds, I either don't understand the choices throughly or something. For example. I'm wanting my character to have just recently graduated from Secondary school and is now on a sabatical(sp?), traveling Creation and...
I guess what I'm trying to say is there is so much information that it can be overwhelming. I'm trying to create a DB Fire Aspect and I keep getting frustrated when it comes to putting him on a character sheet. I know what I want to do with him, I just can't seem to get him dotted out. Does that...
Okay. I'm sure I'm not the only one who is reading everything they can find on Exalted and its various sub-sections and going, "Huh?" Isn't there something out there that can break all of this down into a simple format so that noobies like me can at least get a general idea about the game? Any...