This world, which has survived a million disasters...
Saved by the Fool's Journey
These shackles of his destiny have wrought
Nothing but more disaster.
It was never meant to be permanent...
Merely a process to awaken the fool
Until he could no longer fade into obscurity...
This story will be...
In the beginning of the roleplay, he won't have Scorpius' 'respect', though he'll be cordial at the least.
Have him save Scorpius' life at some point. I'll probably create the situation where it's necessary... It's up to you to see it.
I don't remember requesting to join, which makes this somewhat creepy... But I am 100% down to play as a Gryffindor upperclassmen (even though I'm a Slytherin IRL)
Once we had a group of roleplayers, we would begin to work on the plot, together. Considering that many of these stories already deal with a multiverse or metaverse of some kind or another, it isn't a stretch to believe that they could, in fact, meet.