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  1. I

    Ever miss 'classic' fantasy elements when you play Exalted?

    There's also a lot of variation in "human". The signature character in the Exalted webcomic is from a race of humans with panda-spots, no body hair, and they seem to be inherantly double-jointed. People can have pointy ears, vestigal wings, and extra arms, and still not be wyld tainted enough to...
  2. I

    Resolving unparriable/undodgeable Charms

    Since the game design pihlosophy of Exalted favors defense over attack, it's be in keeping with that for the attacking player or GM to announce that attack as unparryable and/or undodgeable, and/or perfect before the attack is made, IF the defender is aware of the attack, or uses some means to...
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    Rune of Singular Hate

    About that essence 1... All exalted are essence 2+. If the Rune reduces you to essence 0, you die. If it reduces you to essence 1, the results are unclear, but since unexalted mortals are essence 1, it's logicl to suppose that reducing you to essence 1 would mean that your shad has moved on...
  4. I

    Ever miss 'classic' fantasy elements when you play Exalted?

    What exactly is missing? Small groups of adventurers who save the world: Check Magical weapons and armor: Check Cloisters of wisdom and power: Check Horrible demons who want to devour your soul: Check Kicking butt to increase in butt kicing power: Check Ruling your own kingdom if you...
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    Chejop Kejak

    Master of Malfeas....Mal...MoM: I can unequivicably say, noone in the Realm should know Katsup Kojak's name. He's been the secret master of the Realm for thousands of years, and is the oldest mortal thing in Creation. In short, noone's gong to find his High School Year book with C.K. voted by...
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    (not) Noticing the great curse.

    I would tend to support Stillborn's poisiton, rather than memesis, for a different reason. The Great Curse is a taint upon the Exalted Spark. The Exalted Spark is the shard of Divine Essence that makes an Exalt more tham human, more than an animal, mor than anything merely mortal. A Limit...
  7. I

    (not) Noticing the great curse.

    Limit breaks don't happen often in the games I play in, but more often in the games I ST in. My first group is moe into the epic heroics of an Exalted game, and the second group is more about telling a comprehensive, multi-layed hero story, complete with moral gray areas. However, those few...
  8. I

    Powerbows Power Combat

    I had always operated under the assumption that the damage of a powerbow stacks with that of the arrow type being fired, which isn't at all shabby, for the aforementioned "reach out and perforate someone" reason. Perfect broadhead arrows anyone?