It was the smell of breakfast and the sound of his stomach growling that finally pulled him away from his work - his after hours masterpiece. He’d been painting through the night and hadn’t caught more than an hour or two of shut-eye. Already, so many things were threatening to...
Fullname: Alyx Michael Jeffries
Age: 33
Alias(es): Alyx, Dark Matter (Former), Joseph Cameron Keyes (Birth Name)
Gender: Male
Place of Birth: Battle Creek, MI, USA
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Occupation: Painter & Illustrator
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Dark Brown
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 171 lbs...
basic information
Name: alyx michael walker
Nickname: al. skywalker. dork.
Age: 18
Nationality: american
Specialty/Major: visual arts
Gender: cis-male
Sexuality: heterosexual
Notable Features: big smile that is more gums than teeth; child-like laugh; acne that flairs up with stress...
K h y r e eXS m i t h
N i c k n a m e s : Kai, Reecee (by older sisters), K-Breeze
A g e : 25
G e n d e r : Cis-Male
S e x u a l i t y : Heterosexual
P o s i t i o n / B a n d : Drummer | Band 2
F a c e C l a i m : Donald Glover
V o i...
Hey people! I'm PoundCake (or PC for short *shrug*). I haven't been RPing very long, but I'm excited to get into it. I'm ready to dive into some great RPs... once I get the hang of the how it all works here