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  1. spawwo

    Realistic or Modern Under Construction

    Rowan Rowan gave her a smile. He was lucky that his mother had always been so supportive of him and Sadie. He had heard stories about relationships driving major conflicts in families, but that had never been a problem for him. A flutter of anxiety troubled him as he considered how their...
  2. spawwo

    Realistic or Modern Under Construction

    Rowan Rowan sleepily dragged himself out of bed, and followed Sadie into the bathroom. "Oh no," he murmured sympathetically, pulling back the loose strands of hair from over her face. "We should probably get an appointment with Dr Walker," he suggested, then fell silent as he realised how...
  3. spawwo

    Realistic or Modern Under Construction

    Rowan Rowan wrapped his arms around Sadie, enjoying her warmth. "He's doing fine," he said, "or at least medically he is anyway. He's been a bit down recently..." he trailed off and held Sadie closer. Of course when he said recently, he meant ever since the stroke, two years ago, and by a bit...
  4. spawwo

    Realistic or Modern Under Construction

    Rowan Rowan had removed Sadie's jeans and his own boxers had joined his shorts on the floor, when a gentle knock on the door of his room sent a pulse of adrenaline through him. "Shit, that'll be mum." He hastily reached down and grabbed the duvet he always left folded on the end of the bed, even...
  5. spawwo

    Realistic or Modern Under Construction

    Rowan Rowan watched her as she spoke in fits and starts, verbal processing he would call it. A slow burning warmth brought a broad smile to his face, that was his girl. "You're cute when you're confused," he stated. He kissed her again, this time on the lips. "And of course I want to be part of...
  6. spawwo

    Realistic or Modern Under Construction

    Rowan "I don't know," he replied, "but I do know you'll be great." He gave her a small smile. "My mum has been telling me since you were about 7 or 8 that you were going to make a great mum some day." He paused a second, "and if your parents can't see what an amazing thing this is for them, then...
  7. spawwo

    Realistic or Modern Under Construction

    Rowan Rowan wordlessly followed Sadie up to his room, but not before he locked the back door behind them. He squatted beside her and took hold of her hand, but Sadie wouldn't meet his eye. An uncomfortable flutter settled just below his breast bone as he waited patiently for her to speak. Over...
  8. spawwo

    Realistic or Modern Under Construction

    Rowan Rowan closed up the store at 10, although the last customer had entered just before 8. The summer rush was petering to an end in the lazy town of Eastbourne. In the last few months the towns numbers had hovered around triple their usual quota of around 150 (if you counted everyone in a...
  9. spawwo

    Realistic or Modern Under Construction: Characters

    Mordecai Yacob Baylock (Jake) - 22 Problem child, son of the local mechanic. Brother of Jeptha. Has always had his mother wrapped around his finger and clashes badly with his father. Is looking to move out of home. Rowan William Archer - 21 Lives in Easbourne where his family manages the...