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  1. KolastoRPN

    Fantasy The Worst Pantheon: Live and Reloaded (IC Thread) (OPEN)

    Helsa Action #1 The Serpent Demons. Something that Helsa had created then forgotten, like...a large amount of things. They were still around, but they had essentially gone into hiding. They were just...there, for some reason. They had not received orders from Helsa in forever, and were just...
  2. KolastoRPN

    Fantasy The Worst Pantheon: Live and Reloaded (IC Thread) (OPEN)

    Duchess Post "'re weird." The Duchess unceremoniously said, before strutting off with all the arrogance to go prepare for...convincing the little girl. With blood. Lots of blood. And seduction. Meanwhile, said portrait seemed to be definitely staring at Cloneya... ...or maybe it was...
  3. KolastoRPN

    Fantasy The Worst Special (Closed)

    Erra Post "Blergh...I hate not making progress in suspicion..." Erra flops down on the bed face first. "All I've found out is that the weirdo in charge is focused on Heroween for some reason, and that something is going on in this town, which anyone with common sense could figure out." She...
  4. KolastoRPN

    Fantasy The Worst Special (Closed)

    Erra Post Erra frowned. Not much interesting information there, other than Sunshine wanting to 'merge cultures'. Sunshine is definitely up to something. And Heroween was definitely at the center of it. Having little else to do, Erra continued listening in on the conversation. If there didn't...
  5. KolastoRPN

    Fantasy The Worst Pantheon: Live and Reloaded (IC Thread) (OPEN)

    Duchess Post Hmm...I'll have to ease her into it very slowly then... "What exactly is weird about it...?" She made a show of mumbling to herself. They probably didn't hear, but it was best to act. "I was just going to have one of my servants get some blood from nearby animals..." She was...
  6. KolastoRPN

    Fantasy The Worst Pantheon: Live and Reloaded (IC Thread) (OPEN)

    "A vampire...?" Duchess said, looking down for a second, hiding her face. She looks up, smiling again. "You are my guests. Your species doesn't matter. I will provide what your friend needs." Internally, however...she was grinning even wider. A vampire, clearly inexperienced if she's...
  7. KolastoRPN

    Fantasy The Worst Special (Closed)

    Erra Post Erra, overhearing the talking pair, tries to listen in without them noticing.
  8. KolastoRPN

    Fantasy The Worst Special (Closed)

    Erra Post Ass. Erra calmly thinks. "Erra. No, I'll just stay here for a bit." Erra said, walking away and looking around for anywhere she could gather information.
  9. KolastoRPN

    Fantasy The Worst Pantheon: Live and Reloaded (IC Thread) (OPEN)

    Duchess Post "...Gravey?" Duchess said in an equally puzzled and offended tone. She shook her head quickly after. "I suppose I could find a way for them to get into Camelot. However, why don't you stay a while? I'm certain that the demiservants won't come after them instantly, and it will take...
  10. KolastoRPN

    Fantasy The Worst Special (Closed)

    Erra Post Erra grunted. Yeah, she had been really obvious there. Ugh, what was I thinking! Guess I'm used to being around people who have zero brain cells... Erra pulls her cloak tighter around herself before heading into the Trotinn, intent on gathering information. Specifically, through...
  11. KolastoRPN

    Fantasy The Worst Pantheon: Live and Reloaded (IC Thread) (OPEN)

    Duchess Post This was a very large foyer. A massive staircase took up the center of the room, decorated with a regal purple carpet, the bannisters decorated with wood-carved bat images. The floor was made of a dark wood, and the walls were papered over with a dark purple pattern of...
  12. KolastoRPN

    Fantasy The Worst Special (Closed)

    Erra Post Trotinn? Really? Erra takes a break from her casual disdain to shift to utter disdain at that pun. Nevertheless, she turns to one of the fools with her and whispers "This place is weird..." As quietly as possible. @Celestial Speck
  13. KolastoRPN

    Fantasy The Worst Special (Closed)

    Erra Post Erra's eyes narrowed at the pegasus. So, we've got a bit of internal strife going here...interesting. A smirk crossed Erra's covered face. I can use this. With that, Erra tried to gesture subtly to the others.
  14. KolastoRPN

    Fantasy The Worst Special (Closed)

    Erra Post Erra didn't even give the pony the time of day. She had been trained to read expressions, but even someone that wasn't could tell that something was wrong with that smile. Everyone here was...too happy. Way too happy. She didn't like it. Pulling her cloak up near her face, she...
  15. KolastoRPN

    Fantasy The Worst Special (Closed)

    Erra looked at the hobo man for a couple seconds...before shrugging. "My money's on the spandex guy getting in over his head and dying painfully." She said, pulling some money out.
  16. KolastoRPN

    Fantasy The Worst Special (Closed)

    @Churl Meanwhile, said ninja girl was fiddling around with a deck of cards, looking over the other adventurers. She was very clearly thinking about something, though no one but her knew exactly what. I wonder which of these idiots will screw up first? The Yaminin thought to herself. Probably...
  17. KolastoRPN

    Fantasy The Worst Pantheon: Live and Reloaded (IC Thread) (OPEN)

    Helsa Arqa Post "That...that roar." Helsa whispered under her breath in shock. " couldn't be..." Against her better judgement, Helsa continued trecking towards the center of the city.
  18. KolastoRPN

    Fantasy The Worst Pantheon: Live and Reloaded (IC Thread) (OPEN)

    Helsa Arqa Post Helsa was swearing quite a lot as she fled from the statues, running as fast as she could and occasionally shooting a blast of corruption at the statues to try and force them back.
  19. KolastoRPN

    Fantasy The Worst Pantheon: Live and Reloaded (IC Thread) (OPEN)

    Helsa Arqa Post SHIT! She screamed internally, before rushing up the ramp and diving to try and avoid the flame.
  20. KolastoRPN

    Fantasy The Worst Pantheon: Live and Reloaded (IC Thread) (OPEN)

    Helsa Arqa Post/Action 1 Helsa looked up at the gigantic ramp. Well, there's no where else to go... And with that, Helsa began to walk up the ramp. And as she did, a thought came to her mind. I probably should do a thing... She mused. And with that, Helsa extended her power outward. - The...