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  1. ImBatman

    Realistic or Modern Rogue Experiments

    Alexander Diedrich// Hunter I look over at them both "you two make me laugh" I add "no dessert for me"I say
  2. ImBatman

    Realistic or Modern Rogue Experiments

    Alexander Diedrich// Hunter I slap her hand off of my face "not a crush, she's attractive that's all" I added drinking from the beer as I was halfway through the chalupa
  3. ImBatman

    Realistic or Modern Rogue Experiments

    Alexander Diedrich// Hunter "how did this all of a sudden turned into me and girls.." I add and looked at Dan "there are a couple who have been calling me... " I show them the missed calls part and there's a list of three phones who non stop call "but I have my eye set on one" I add
  4. ImBatman

    Realistic or Modern Rogue Experiments

    Alexander Diedrich// Hunter "the arts.. that's it. you just smoke some pot and let your mind set free... paint something and voila. you got a million dollar painting" I add drinking from my beer
  5. ImBatman

    Realistic or Modern Rogue Experiments

    ooc: its a pain... I took an AP on it.. hell it was.... Alexander Diedrich// Hunter I look at them "now that I think of it.. I'll get into something easier than Criminology.. any ideas beside psychology?" I ask
  6. ImBatman

    Realistic or Modern Rogue Experiments

    Alexander Diedrich// Hunter I look at him "not another thing we would share... its enough with the dorms..." I add
  7. ImBatman

    Realistic or Modern Rogue Experiments

    Alexander Diedrich// Hunter I drink this beer "not bad.. but I prefer german" I say signaling to the beer and turn to dan "which major?" I ask
  8. ImBatman

    Realistic or Modern Rogue Experiments

    Alexander Diedrich// Hunter "well I already went to a university back in München(Munich). Studied Criminology. I think I'll go and study that again" I reply "I have all the notebooks and all" I say realizing my age "we're old" I add and laugh
  9. ImBatman

    Realistic or Modern Rogue Experiments

    Alexander Diedrich// Hunter I then lean on the chair once the waiter left with our order.
  10. ImBatman

    Realistic or Modern Rogue Experiments

    hahaha nice going. Alexander Diedrich// Hunter "what do you want Dan?" I asked
  11. ImBatman

    Realistic or Modern Rogue Experiments

    Alexander Diedrich// Hunter I look at the menu "and I'll call for a chalupa" (THOSE ARE SO GOOD)
  12. ImBatman

    Realistic or Modern Rogue Experiments

    Alexander Diedrich// Hunter I then sit down and laugh at his reaction. I look at the waiter "a beer for me" I say
  13. ImBatman

    Realistic or Modern Rogue Experiments

    Alexander Diedrich// Hunter I look at him "and you think I didn't say that on purpose" I say opening the door for Lola "after you" I say in german and smirk
  14. ImBatman

    Realistic or Modern Rogue Experiments

    Alexander Diedrich// Hunter I look over at lola and then at Daniel "you my friend just got served" I added as the cab stopped "time to get food" I added heading out
  15. ImBatman

    Realistic or Modern Rogue Experiments

    Alexander Diedrich// Hunter I glare at him "ONLY YOU KNOW ITS NOT THAT BAD" I said and look at them both "I my german side doesn't obey me... haven't you noticed in a fight how I begin to speak german?" I ask referring to training and what not
  16. ImBatman

    Realistic or Modern Rogue Experiments

    Alexander Diedrich// Hunter "damn..." I say and look at him "dan, even that doesn't take the smell away... as I said before... Toxic" I say letting my german accent on the loose "they should all be around..." I add
  17. ImBatman

    Realistic or Modern Rogue Experiments

    Alexander Diedrich// Hunter "Ay, has anyone seen addison lately?" I ask looking at them both
  18. ImBatman

    Realistic or Modern Rogue Experiments

    Alexander Diedrich// Hunter "good god I hope you know how to clean that toxic smell... " I add laughing "I feel sorry for you lola... " I add
  19. ImBatman

    Realistic or Modern Rogue Experiments

    Alexander Diedrich// Hunter "we're men, what do you expect." I add getting inside the cab
  20. ImBatman

    Realistic or Modern Rogue Experiments

    Alexander Diedrich// Hunter I look at him "its the same when you call for shotgun you moron" I hit him in the back of his head "when you eat mexican food and after go to the bathroom that room ends up being pure toxic.. we proved that three days ago..." I add