Jugemu woke with the early morning sun in shining in his eyes through the broken window. Ordinarily he'd complain about being woken this early, but he'd chosen this section of the ruined building specifically to be woken by the early sun. After all, today was an important day: the Entrance Exam...
Jacobs instincts had saved him. Having spent most of his life on a ship, his natural response to a gust of wind was to drop his left leg behind him, presenting a smaller face to the wind, and unbeknownst to him, that was the correct course of action when someone is firing a gun in your...
This wasn't the first time Jacob had had a gun pointed at him, occasionally the merchant ship he and his father were on would be boarded by pirates, but it was the first time he didn't have a captain to deal with things. Ordinarily, Jacob would have tried to explain that he didn't start any...
'Apparently this was an incredibly popular section of fire to look at,' thought Jacob, as after he had asked barrel lady what was going on, other people had shown up, his question being lost in the shuffle. The point was moot anyway, as no-one seemed to have any idea what was going on, but he...
A few minutes had passed, and unfortunately, the rope was as spliced as it was going to get. As far as splicing rope goes, that was an undoubtedly good thing. In terms of distractions though, it was a disaster. Watching a barrel could only distract someone so much. However, a thought occurred...
Having a barrel barrel full of weapons thrown at him and being told to watch it wasn't something Jacob was expecting when he went to help put out a fire, but at the very least it was an easy way to help. And hey, he was even being paid to do it! While he would prefer to be out there helping...
Jacob was probably the last to notice the flames outside. Whether it was because he was seated facing away from the window, or because he was focusing on his meal to avoid embarrassing himself further, it was hard to say. Leaving 5000 Beri on the table, he left the Thatch Spoon intent on doing...
Jacob considered the chefs words, 'A 5 million beri bounty and he's shaking down local restaurants? I guess some people are small time regardless of how big they get. That is a lot of money though, I wonder if I could take him down. If he was swimming I'd say definitely, it'd be just like...
With that unpleasantness dealt with, Jacob turned towards the chef, "Wow that is a lot of meat! I don't really need it though." with what he hoped was a friendly smile, Jacob gestured towards himself, "I mean, none of this blood is mine. I was just hoping for some directions to an inn of some...
Jacob approached the strange man, he gathered that he was a criminal of some sort, but that was no reason to be a dick about it. Maybe if let him know he understood the man's situation, and let him know that he was going through a rough time, the man would back off a bit.
"Hi there!" He said...
Jacob had been searching for about half an hour before he gave up, unlike a fishmonger, inns didn't have a distinctive smell to follow. He would have asked a passerby for directions, but they all seemed to be avoiding him for some unexplained reason. It definitely had nothing to do with him...
It had just turned noon when Jacob drifted into the town of Big Seed on a ship made of a particularly large piece of wreckage, piled high with assorted fish carcasses. This wasn't his usual method of travel, but considering how hungry those birds were, he shuddered to imagine what would have...
Name: Jacob Low
Epithet: (Eventual) Manfisher
Sex: Male
Age: 21
Species: Human
Role: Logistics
Personality: Easy-going, and always happy to help someone in need, despite his difficulties in communicating with others (Especially girls, as he's never really met any before.). He does...