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  1. Mankest.Dedes

    Fantasy The Saint of Steam: Act 1

    At the Center of the World, where everything happens, is the city of steam and magic. Known colloquially as the Machine City which is the translation of its proper name Kutha Waja, it is the center of all science and magic, culture and tradition. All things descend from the Machine City, and the...
  2. Mankest.Dedes

    Colosseum The Saint of Steam

    Name: Akukho Kwanto Nickname: The Saint of Steam, The Sorcerer King, The Worst Best Elementalist Theme: "Polymorph" - Arkasia Accent: Simulacrum of Speech. Gender: Sexless, Male Identifying Race: Dasimbi (Formerly a Half Elf.) Dasimbi are mechanical lifeforms animated by the soul of a...
  3. Mankest.Dedes

    Colosseum Throw Hands- A Gauntlet

    I've reached the time limit on my posting limit twice. I'm not gonna ask you for a second extension, I apologize for failing to finish up the fight but concede that I'm the one in error for failing to reach the post limit.
  4. Mankest.Dedes

    Colosseum Throw Hands- A Gauntlet

    This warrior Catskull's reaction was impressive, he'd managed to prevent his head from being separated from his shoulders despite being caught aloof. A collision of steel against steel rattled the arms of the Butcher but absolutely rocked Catskull. The force of the blow pushed against Catskull's...
  5. Mankest.Dedes

    Colosseum Throw Hands- A Gauntlet

    A fatal mistake, Catskull was inattentive, and had forgotten the positioning of the Butcher's blade. He had not lifted the blade in his downward shove, nor had he released. He had simply left the sword to rest against the shield, and his arm with it. The series of events would have unfolded...
  6. Mankest.Dedes

    Colosseum Throw Hands- A Gauntlet

    Catskull moved in and put shield to shield in an attempt to force the Butcher into a reckless attack, he changed his grip and was likely preparing for a retaliatory swing. So, when shield met shield, the Butcher pushed down and to the left with his shield. Simultaneously opening both of their...
  7. Mankest.Dedes

    Colosseum Throw Hands- A Gauntlet

    @DocDoctor Retreat was the only option for Catskull, a wise decision. Pulling away from the Butcher before he could get his hooks in you was the best way to avoid a swift and painful death. As he backed away his footsteps were watched carefully by the Butcher, the way he moved his legs in...
  8. Mankest.Dedes

    Colosseum Throw Hands- A Gauntlet

    Though a brute he was by no means a fool, he'd seen Catskull ready himself and was not so forgetful as to neglect the position of a blade before charging. The clamor of metal against metal did nothing to deafen him to the beating of his own heart in his ears, or the painful vibrations drilling...
  9. Mankest.Dedes

    Colosseum Throw Hands- A Gauntlet

    @DocDoctor With the sword to his left side and his body bent forward the brutish warrior had put himself in a somewhat precarious position. His head was exposed, his arm was not in the best position to strike, and he was not upright. Like all good warriors, he knew that to expose himself like...
  10. Mankest.Dedes

    Realistic or Modern Throw Hands- A Gauntlet

    And I have in kind!
  11. Mankest.Dedes

    Colosseum Throw Hands- A Gauntlet

    It had been watching from a distance like a predatory bird, a hunger for battle aching in its core. No blood had been shed between the two combatants, and the giant warrior hungered for battle. The insatiable thirst for battle was worsened as the coward began walking away from Catskull, and in a...
  12. Mankest.Dedes

    Realistic or Modern Throw Hands- A Gauntlet

    I've posted my character sheet, would you like to start or should I jump in?
  13. Mankest.Dedes

    Fantasy ~Catskull~

    (I just used your sheet for reference.) Name: The Devil Butcher Age: 29 Height: 6'6" Weight: 290lbs Boxing Reach: 84 inches Dominant Hand: Ambidextrious, favoring right. Weapons and Equipment: Hooked Scimitar- Made of Damascus steel Total Length: 52" Blade Length: 40" Total Width: 3"...
  14. Mankest.Dedes

    Realistic or Modern Throw Hands- A Gauntlet

    Hey! I got hinted towards your thread, you'll be the first real fight I've had since I started anew!
  15. Mankest.Dedes

    Yo yo yo, I blast the scene!

    I don't talk like that I just wanted to be interesting.