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  1. SavvyKitten

    Paint the sky blue IS BEAUTIFUL love ya Cuz

    Paint the sky blue IS BEAUTIFUL love ya Cuz
  2. SavvyKitten

    Flash Flood (1x1 Kitten and Paint)

    She purred and and moved even closer to Brookkit. "I'm not leaving you...ever. I promise. "
  3. SavvyKitten

    Flash Flood (1x1 Kitten and Paint)

    Mosskit sighed. She knew hwr sister was scared but she didn't know how to make her understand that everything was going to be okay. She slowly backed off and crouched low.
  4. SavvyKitten

    Flash Flood (1x1 Kitten and Paint)

    Mosskit hung her head. "Please Brookkit..just trust me. I would never hurt you nor lie. You know this...just please trust me."
  5. SavvyKitten

    Flash Flood (1x1 Kitten and Paint)

    "No, I want to too! But we're way to small to do it on our own!" Mosskit hissed.
  6. SavvyKitten

    Flash Flood (1x1 Kitten and Paint)

    Mosskit sat on top of her and refused to move. "I'm not getting off."
  7. SavvyKitten

    Flash Flood (1x1 Kitten and Paint)

    This time Mosskit tackled her own sister. "He said he wants to help! Let's hear them out!"
  8. SavvyKitten

    Still trying to fit in...kinda feel like I'm still doing everything wrong. Oi.

    Still trying to fit in...kinda feel like I'm still doing everything wrong. Oi.
  9. SavvyKitten

    Flash Flood (1x1 Kitten and Paint)

    Blackfur stepped onber tail, preventing her from going anywhere. "Leafstar gave me my orders. She saw Oakpaw drag you back to camp. Believe it or not, she wants to help."
  10. SavvyKitten

    Flash Flood (1x1 Kitten and Paint)

    "Can't. Its against my orders." He meowed and stared at the two kits
  11. SavvyKitten

    Flash Flood (1x1 Kitten and Paint)

    The young warrior purred. "I'm not going to hurt you."
  12. SavvyKitten

    Flash Flood (1x1 Kitten and Paint)

    Once in the camp he sat them down, laughing. "You guys are adorable." "Adorable? How are we adorable?" Mosskit stared at him.
  13. SavvyKitten

    Flash Flood (1x1 Kitten and Paint)

    Mosskit scowled. "Let us go!"
  14. SavvyKitten

    Flash Flood (1x1 Kitten and Paint)

    Blackfur rolled his eyes and picked them both up by the scruff. He padded off towards his camp.
  15. SavvyKitten

    Flash Flood (1x1 Kitten and Paint)

    "Let my sister go you dirty mangepelt!" Blackfur hissed and flung her to the ground.
  16. SavvyKitten

    Flash Flood (1x1 Kitten and Paint)

    Mosskit her sister wail. "Brookikit!" She ran after her sister and jumped on his shoulders.
  17. SavvyKitten

    Flash Flood (1x1 Kitten and Paint)

    Oakpaw turned to the sound of little paws running, but it was too late, she crossed the border into Shadowclan, right into Blackfur's paws.
  18. SavvyKitten

    Flash Flood (1x1 Kitten and Paint)

    She didn't even feel Oakpaw's teeth. She just felt numb. She curled up next to her sister, unable to think straight.
  19. SavvyKitten

    Flash Flood (1x1 Kitten and Paint)

    Mosskit burier her head in her paws, shaking. "" She whispered repeatedly.
  20. SavvyKitten

    Flash Flood (1x1 Kitten and Paint)

    Mosskit stopped moving. Her heart was pounding so hard. Wailing, she took off for the border, only to have Oakpaw tackle her. She layed there wailing.