I'm a little bit rusty as I have fallen off roleplaying for some time, but I'm finally getting back into my interests and I'm looking for a patient partner to write with!
I normally write 3+ lengthy paragraphs per response; give or take, depending on the pace. I prefer quality of writing...
Hi Rareraven! I mostly roleplay M/M stories! It ranges widely between genres. I have a personal affinity for horror, sci-fi, fantasy, and paranormal, but that's just at surface value. Anything goes. Sometimes I do fandom inspired roleplays, which are my favorite a lot of the time, but I rarely...
I'm Ron, I'm new to this site after giving in to years of running in circles for partners on various other platforms. I'm 17 and I'm hoping to scrounge up some fellow lit-adv lit partners of a close age group! I have no idea why I didn't make an account sooner, but it seems promising!