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  1. Ari105

    Fandom Hogwarts, The Next Generation

    The first week of Hogwarts was just like the previous. The only differences were the the new first years including her little brother Louis, the advanced classes, and the constant letters and reminders sent from her mother to help her older sister Victoire Weasley practice for the TriWizard...
  2. Ari105


    Hey, I'm Ari105 and I'm new to this site, but I have done lots of online RP's before so I'm not a total newbie. Um, I hope to use this site a lot and make friends, and have a lot of fun! Yay :D -
  3. Ari105

    Hogwarts, The Next Generation

    Name: Dominique Weasley Year at Hogwarts: 3 Age: 13 House: Ravenclaw Favorite Class: Potions Look: (Basically 2009 Hayley Williams) Likes: Reading, Adventure, Exploring, Maps, Food, Company of other people.. most of the time Dislikes: Rude and annoying people, Daytime (I'm...
  4. Ari105

    im in way too many fandoms to function

    im in way too many fandoms to function