code by opaline! loading fonts ... ......
//---end picture left, start right section (name+title)---//
code by opalineShiloh Beaumont❛The Wild Hunt❜
//---right section (song+picture)---//
fa fa-playI Gave You AllMumford & SonsThe blind man sleeps in the doorway, his home
//---right section...
code by opaline! loading fonts ... .......location the library
outfit attire
mood studious
song A Blackened Heart - (Peter Gundry)
tags @ people
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fa fa-xmarkfa fa-circle-question
//---end picture left, start right section (name+title)---//
code by...
code by opaline! loading fonts ... ......
//---end picture left, start right section (name+title)---//
code by opalineArchibold Korren❛ The Raven ❜
//---right section (song+picture)---//
fa fa-playAngry TooLola BlancIf you knew what I knew
//---right section (bottom line, optional extra...
code by opaline! loading fonts ... .......location the forest
outfit Attire
mood pensive
song There's a Road - Kinney
tags @ people
//--- end of post info section ---//
fa fa-xmarkfa fa-circle-question
//---end picture left, start right section (name+title)---//
code by opalineRowan...
@Grimm meant to announce this, but your character app has been approved of, welcome aboard!!
We have about enough room for maybe one or two more characters (literate/semi advanced writers only please).
Jessie Carter - #53966E - & - Haylen Chambers - #691307 - & Cas Chambers - #BF9C41 - & Erin Monaghan -#8c8787
Erin couldn't help but sigh as the others started to talk, she felt her spine straighten and her body tense at every word that left Georgie's lips. She expected as much of a...
Oh no worries at all! Life comes before anything else, in my honest opinion, so a 'deadline' would be whenever the character sheet WIP is submitted, and then that's basically a countdown of 2 weeks after that sheet is initially submitted, and I can and often do offer an extension on that.
Not that I can exactly think right now? As long as it gives a personality area so everyone can get a good idea of what kind of person they are, their history, coven if they are a part of one (if people would like to be either on their own or part of another witch's coven/group they can), and an...
code by opaline! loading fonts ... ......
//---end picture left, start right section (name+title)---//
code by opalineRowan 'Remi' Solis❛ The Green Witch ❜
//---right section (song+picture)---//
fa fa-playBIRDS OF A FEATHERBillie eilishI knew you in another life
//---right section (bottom...
Feel free to use any character sheet you may desire. All I ask is that real face claims are used :)
OOC Chat page is Here - Character Application Page is Here
Awesome! ^_^ and I may be a bit slow to get to things today as I do have a dinner party to go to later today, but I will update when I get an OOC thread up and probably a discord server up in a few days :)