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  • Users: Moody
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  1. Moody

    Fandom Hogwarts, The Next Generation

    Karo sat with her companions (she have no such thing as friends) and watched the sorting with a grim excitement. Maybe this time, she thought, there would be some interesting characters in the boring school. Foreigners. She hoped that they behave properly, because she definitely cannot tolerate...
  2. Moody

    Science and Sorcery

    Name: Tahee Naeo Gender: Female Age: 17 Race: Elf Appearance (image if available): Black wavy long hair that she usually dye a light pink color, to fit in with the rest of the light elves. Pointy ear, as per all elves. A tattoo that covered most of her shoulders, upper arms and back...
  3. Moody

    Hogwarts, The Next Generation

    Name: Karo Bennett Year at Hogwarts: 5th Age: {over 11 and under 17}: 16 House: Slytherin Favorite Class: Potions Look: {Realistic Preferred}: Straight medium brown hair with a few streaks of natural blonde highlights. Dark brown eyes. "sweet smile" Likes: Quiet time. People who...
  4. Moody

    Drarry Life

    I'll be Harry. Just be sure to get the sign-up information up :)
  5. Moody


    Hello, the name is Moody ( as in moody as in i am quirky and change moods by the millisecond) I am so excited to do this, because I did a "real life" version of this with my friend in fourth grade having no idea what the thing we were doing was actually call. Basically, we had to remember...