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  • Users: Drake
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  1. Drake

    The Night Before School Ends

    I Fixed My post puting the X
  2. Drake

    The Night Before School Ends

    Full Name: Lazaro Patten Nickname: Zaro Role: The Romantic Age: 19 Gender: Male Sexuality: " I Don't Care About Gender But The Bound Is What Matters." (Bisexual) Personality Traits: Drowzy, Loveing, Romantic, Cuning, Careing Appearance: <p><a...
  3. Drake

  4. Drake

    Yea It Was Nothin I Liked Your Profile And Character

    Yea It Was Nothin I Liked Your Profile And Character
  5. Drake

    Live By The Five Fates

    Live By The Five Fates
  6. Drake

    GgAce A.K.A The Overseer/PeaceKeeper/MadGod/Admin/WellLet'sStopWithTheFrontSlash.

    GgAce A.K.A The Overseer/PeaceKeeper/MadGod/Admin/WellLet'sStopWithTheFrontSlash.
  7. Drake

    Where Words End

    Name: Dante Age: 24 Appearance: Pure white hair, Vivid Blue eyes, Red Jacket, Black Boots Gloves And Jeans, Covered in scars from his old father and is riped. Upper or Lowerclass?: Upper Personality: Impulsive, Samrt, Sly, Brave, Has No Pitty For others. Background: Son Of A War God...
  8. Drake

    Or Ebay And nice hat.

    Or Ebay And nice hat.
  9. Drake

    There Are Destroyers And Creators, I Have My Role As A Destroyer.

    There Are Destroyers And Creators, I Have My Role As A Destroyer.
  10. Drake

    Ha You Have A Soul I'm Just a walking shell!

    Ha You Have A Soul I'm Just a walking shell!