Search results for query: *

  1. Starry

    Of course not! :D

    Of course not! :D
  2. Starry

    I love our RP's too! And that's no problem, I'll reply to them all tonight and then just reply...

    I love our RP's too! And that's no problem, I'll reply to them all tonight and then just reply when you can :) Sorry for disappearing for a couple of days! xxx
  3. Starry

    Exam time! If I take a while responding/disappear I'll be revising or exam-ing ^^

    Exam time! If I take a while responding/disappear I'll be revising or exam-ing ^^
  4. Starry

    Disney University

    May I join? ^^ If so, I'd like to take Pocahontas: (PS. If anyone could tell me how to resize the image without like, physically downloading it and re-uploading it etc. that would be awesome...) -Name: Pocahontas ('Poca' for short) -Age: 19 -College Year: Freshman -Personality...
  5. Starry

    Oh, those pesky introductions.

    Hi! I'm new too, and that's a darn good choice of gif! (He's my favourite doctor<3) See you around! *waves*
  6. Starry

    In need for some partners

    Hey Anna! I'd love to rp with you, too, and you have so many ideas already haha. I'm open to pretty much anything, though supernaturals get my attention a lot. My favourite ideas from your list would have to be: 'the source of all evil', the stalker one, the vampire masquerade and the...
  7. Starry


    Awesome, thank you! ^^
  8. Starry


    *waves* Hi, I'm Starry and (as I'm sure you've already guessed) I'm new here! I'm actually a fairly new roleplayer too-I used to dapple in it a few years ago, but all of the groups I was in kinda disintegrated. What brought me back was actually a book called "Fangirl" by Rainbow Rowell, as...