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  1. Bird_Of_Dream

    Oh me oh my! Hehe.

    Oh me oh my! Hehe.
  2. Bird_Of_Dream

    Other What do you look for in a role-play partner?

    Someone who's passion for role play, willing to put in effort, and can make and use characters as if they're more than two personality traits. I think the reason I haven't role played in so long is due to the amount of people I met who had the blandest characters ever and they pretty much...
  3. Bird_Of_Dream

    Experiences How old were you when you first started roleplaying?

    My guess is I was 13 when I first started. I often stayed on this pokemon card maker website that had a chat room and sometimes people in it would role play. After I got comfortable enough talking there and was a regular I started to role play with them.
  4. Bird_Of_Dream

    Other If you could be any animal (even fictional) what would you be?

    I would love to be a Griffon. So majestic, strong, and graceful looking.
  5. Bird_Of_Dream

    Other Show me your animals.

    My two cats, the bigger one on bottom is Luna and the other is Leon. They're a few years apart form each other.
  6. Bird_Of_Dream

    Other Most loved Character you made?

    I would say Hazel Schulz is my favorite character, she would also be one of my first characters so I had a lot of time to get her character just right. Well I think she is exactly what I wanted her to be but she is also my only character to be criticized, some people going as far as to tell me...
  7. Bird_Of_Dream

    Other Old rolplays.

    I can only think of one role play I still remember and wish it could of continued. Sadly we only got a few posts into it but it had so much potential to be long, great, and have so many things happen in it like subplots and complicated relationships. But anyways, what I remember is that the...
  8. Bird_Of_Dream

    Other Cravings right now?

    Pineapple upside down cake
  9. Bird_Of_Dream

    Other Why did you pick your name?

    I picked my name because I really love birds and because ever since I played Yume Nikki many years ago I have been very interested in dreams and what they could mean. I also have a daydreaming problem so giving me a dream like title just seems fitting.
  10. Bird_Of_Dream

    Other How often do you create new characters?

    I would say I don't create new characters very often as I usually reuse already made characters for role plays, but I don't think I have done a huge amount of role plays. Even before I knew what role play was I have made up quite a few characters I enjoyed drawing, showing them to my friends at...
  11. Bird_Of_Dream

    Other "I'm new to the site but I've been RPing for..."

    I first started role playing on an instant messager like site called Chatango. However I don't recommend going there not as it's dead and is no longer moderated. But yeah I was a wee lass when I first got on there and did a bunch of pokemon mystery dungeon themed role plays. Those were good times.
  12. Bird_Of_Dream

    Multiple Settings Looking for a 1x1 partner

    Hi all. I'm new so forgive me if I make so errors or anything. Anyways like the title says I am looking for 1x1 roleplays. As for characters if you want to use multiple characters that's fine, but I find it hard to control more than three main characters at once and would like it if you don't go...
  13. Bird_Of_Dream

    New here but not new to RP

    Hello all! I was very bored tonight and thought of all the fun I used to have when I would role play with others online. Ever since I was twelve I pretty much used the same site to meet others and role play buuuuut it's pretty dead now so I am hoping here I can relieve the fun I used to have. I...