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  1. Serotherapy

    Fantasy Platform 9 3/4

    I have learned by the time that if you show seriousness in your bio, the serious people will come to you regardless of what it is about!
  2. Serotherapy

    Fantasy Platform 9 3/4

    Is that a positive thing..?
  3. Serotherapy

    Fantasy Platform 9 3/4

    And that's absolutely relatable! Only I am simply tired of wasting time and energy just to have it all be ignored in the end, you see. ^^
  4. Serotherapy

    Fantasy Platform 9 3/4

    I've learned that including such topic in my profile is a total waste of time as no one ever reads it, judged by experiences on various other pages. So yeah. I'm pretty pessimistic about that. ^^"
  5. Serotherapy

    Fantasy Platform 9 3/4

    Oh, and I've pointed it out at the top of my bio aswell!
  6. Serotherapy

    Fantasy Platform 9 3/4

    Well.. I think it should be pretty obvious when looking at my profile. xD I don't know, it just is to me..
  7. Serotherapy

    Fantasy Platform 9 3/4

    But I am already Draco.. in case that wasn't obvious yet.. x'D
  8. Serotherapy

    Fantasy Platform 9 3/4

    Well, I'd need some more information that that. Hahah.
  9. Serotherapy

    .. I want a Hermione. So damn badly.

    .. I want a Hermione. So damn badly.
  10. Serotherapy

    I'm still seeking roleplays... It's always this very time of the day when my muse starts kicking in.

    I'm still seeking roleplays... It's always this very time of the day when my muse starts kicking in.
  11. Serotherapy

    Yes.. yes.

    Yes.. yes.
  12. Serotherapy

    People here are unusually nice.. I'm scared.

    People here are unusually nice.. I'm scared.
  13. Serotherapy

    Probably not the best, but the dedicatest..est.

    Ah thank you, thank you. Haha.
  14. Serotherapy

    Uhm.. Thank you. I guess. Hehe..

    Uhm.. Thank you. I guess. Hehe..
  15. Serotherapy

    Fantasy Platform 9 3/4

    Well, any and every, basically.
  16. Serotherapy

    Fantasy Platform 9 3/4

    First point hits the nail. Though I was more asking for people who play as canons in general.
  17. Serotherapy

    Fantasy Platform 9 3/4

    If the title caused you to click on this thread, I'm sure you already know what it is about. Yes indeed, I'm hereby looking for some decent canon roleplayers from the Harry Potter - fandom. I feel like this fandom has lost its shine almost in every roleplay community, yet I can't seem to give up...
  18. Serotherapy

    Probably not the best, but the dedicatest..est.

    I cannot see where exactly I was seeking for partners primarily. I added an information stating what I'll be looking for in general, but other than that, this is my short introduction. Thank you.
  19. Serotherapy

    Probably not the best, but the dedicatest..est.

    So erm, hello. I'm Chris, 19, from.. somewhere. As you might be able to tell by my profile (as soon as it's finished), I'll be playing Harry Potter's favorite minor antagonist Draco Malfoy. Whilst I'll be mainly seeking canon roleplayers, I can deal with crossovers and OCs too. Not all that...