I’m by no means a history buff, so I don’t know a whole lot about Ancient Greece, but I could always learn. This sounds really fun if you’re still available!
You still looking for someone? It sounds like we have much the same style of writing, and the short ideas that you said you’ve been very interested in seen very fun. I also love anything supernatural like that.
Hello hello 👋🏻 I’m pretty much just looking for someone to rp with (obviously). Read on for the specifics of what I’m looking for, but I’ll put a TL DR at the end in case you don’t want to read all I wrote.
I’m kind of looking for someone who will reply at least somewhat regularly. I’ve had...
Why hello there. I’m new and stuff, blah blah blah. Into South Park, Homestuck, and a few different anime (although I haven’t watched in a long time). I’ll rp just about anything, ngl, and I’m not judgey. I’m also terrible at introductions, and not entirely sure how I’m supposed to be doing this...