Hey there! I looking for a partner for some doctor who-like stories. I will be playing as a a new time lord whof once lived alongside the doctor on gailfrey as a small child. He somehow escaped the time war and is ready to start his adventuresas he is in his first for and has not yet...
Hey everyone! I was thinking of starting of starting a doctor who like role-play I'm looking for maybe a small group of people ( around two to three ) to role play the adventures of a new timelord. I figured we could all chip in and play as multiple characters but for now I'm mostly looking for...
Hey everyone. I'm Eric, nice too meet everyone! I'm pretty much a nerd I love video games, table top games ( dnd,mtg), I'm a big doctor who and Buffy the vampire slayer fan along side DC comics. Although I'm new too the site I am not new to role playing and have been rping for about three years...