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  1. S

    Multiple Settings Family RPs

    Still looking for partners!
  2. S

    Multiple Settings Family RPs

    Okay, cool. PM me to discuss?
  3. S

    Multiple Settings Family RPs

    Awesome. Which are you interested in?
  4. S

    Multiple Settings Family RPs

    Ah. Neither can I.
  5. S

    Multiple Settings Family RPs

    Lol. We can do that one. Mind PMing me?
  6. S

    Multiple Settings Family RPs

    If we do a group rp, it'd probably just be an average family with drama and stuff so yes.
  7. S

    Multiple Settings Family RPs

    Awesome. Which would you be interested in? If others would be interested, I'd be up for a group rp.
  8. S

    Hi, I'm the new boi.

    Welcome! I'm new here too.
  9. S


    Welcome to the site.
  10. S

    hello, im new

    Welcome to the site.
  11. S


    Welcome to the site. I'm new as well.
  12. S

    Multiple Settings Family RPs

    The Golden Trio era is when the books take place as opposed to the Marauders era which is prefer and NextGen which is of course after. And founders era, Tom Riddle era, etc... We can go with Terminal Illness. I'd love to do something similar to TFIOS. I love that movie. You mind PMing me?
  13. S

    Multiple Settings Family RPs

    Which would you be interested in?
  14. S

    Multiple Settings Family RPs

    Hello! My name's Jessica. I'm really itching to do some roleplays focused around family. I'm looking to play child/teen characters mostly, but I'm totally up for doubling or tripling up to play adults too. I'll play characters of any gender. If there is a romance involved among the teens or...