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  • Users: ahbaskep
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  1. ahbaskep

    ah jeez, i haven’t touched this website in so long! i’m so sorry if i have left you on read or...

    ah jeez, i haven’t touched this website in so long! i’m so sorry if i have left you on read or ghosted you at all, i’ve been going through a lot these past few years and i just haven’t thought about this website in the longest time.
  2. ahbaskep

    Fandom Looking for 1x1 RP Partner

    Awesome! I just sent you a PM. Feel free to respond whenever it’s convenient for you.
  3. ahbaskep

    Fandom Looking for 1x1 RP Partner

    If you’ve never done a Vocaloid RP, I feel like it would be interesting! Although, we could definitely do Undertale, as well, since I recently got back into the fandom. I would avoid doing Steven Universe, since I don’t want to accidentally spoil something, and obviously Corpse Party wouldn’t...
  4. ahbaskep

    Fandom Looking for 1x1 RP Partner

    Hey!! I’m looking for a partner who’s into similar fandoms as me!! These fandoms include: Undertale Vocaloid Corpse Party Steven Universe If you’re interested, please reply to this thread or send me a PM!! Either one is fine with me :)
  5. ahbaskep

    Fandom anybody in the same fandoms?

    Hey! I really like Undertale and Steven Universe, as well!! If you’re interested, is it alright if I PM you right mow? :ghost:
  6. ahbaskep

    Other LGBTQ People?

    Bisexual and genderfluid!! (pronouns are she/her + they/them) :ghost:
  7. ahbaskep

    Other "I'm new to the site but I've been RPing for..."

    Used to RP in PMs on Wattpad, YouTube comment sections, and other places like that.
  8. ahbaskep

    Other Anyone else an aspiring writer/author?

    I dream of being an author one day, but I don’t really know what kind of genre you could classify my writing as. I am currently working on a book, but I haven’t really shared it online (or with anyone in general). The stuff I do share online is mostly Fanfiction, and I do have a fun time writing...
  9. ahbaskep

    Other What's your most hated fan ship?

    I’m still in the Corpse Party fandom (even though it’s practically dead at this point), but god, I could never get behind Mitsuki/Kurosaki. It was always Mitsuki/Fukuroi vs. Mitsuki/Kurosaki when I brought up one of the ships, but I’ll never understand pairing Mitsuki with Kurosaki...
  10. ahbaskep

    Experiences Where did you roleplay before you came to RPNation?

    Oh jeez. I remember RPing on Wattpad, mostly in my PMs. My writing was definitely not the best (me being 10 or 11 at the time didn’t really help), but I had good times there. I still use Wattpad, just not for RPs anymore.
  11. ahbaskep

    Other If you could be any animal (even fictional) what would you be?

    A fox! They’re so beautiful!
  12. ahbaskep

    Viewpoint Do you ever play the opposite gender? Do you prefer it?

    I used to only role play as female characters when I first started out, but now the gender of the character is irrelevant to me. I’m open with playing any gender! ^^
  13. ahbaskep

    Literature Hogwarts House?

    Hufflepuff here!! :ghostv:
  14. ahbaskep

    Other So what's YOUR sign?

    I’m a Leo, but my moon sign is Pisces!! I’m not sure what my rising sign is, though;;
  15. ahbaskep

    Chitchat Are you happy with your OCs?

    I’m curious, but are you guys happy with your OCs? I love my OCs, but occasionally, I can get very frustrated with them during RP or just when writing their stories. Do any of you guys feel a similar way? :ghost:
  16. ahbaskep


    Hello!! You can just refer to me as Flare on this website, but I just wanted to do a little greeting. I started role playing not that long ago (about three years ago) and I decided to get back into it!! I’m really into anime, and other things, as well, but anime is my prime obsession. Anyways, I...