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  1. FaeMelody

    Yup still don't have internet. I am still alive I swear! Finally have a connection date, will be...

    Yup still don't have internet. I am still alive I swear! Finally have a connection date, will be back online regularly in the next 2 weeks.
  2. FaeMelody

    No worries, as I just wrote I've been out of touch anyway due to moving and internet problems...

    No worries, as I just wrote I've been out of touch anyway due to moving and internet problems. Soon as I'm on a reliable connection we'll get this baby rolling again!
  3. FaeMelody

    A Mages' Pride... (Amatuer Juggler & FaeMelody) [Inactive]

    This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period". Please contact an @Rp Moderator if you feel this was a mistake or if you would like to have your role play reactivated. Thank you for your participation...
  4. FaeMelody

    Sorry Loves, will be unable to respond to roleplays for a week or two as I'm waiting for...

    Sorry Loves, will be unable to respond to roleplays for a week or two as I'm waiting for internet to be connected in our new house!
  5. FaeMelody

    A Mages' Pride... (Amatuer Juggler & FaeMelody) [Inactive]

    The room was quiet, the thick walls and soft carpet dampening the noise from the rest of the kingdom that continued on with life outside. The woman stood before the window, having recently drawn the heavy satin curtains back to allow the mid morning sunlight to finally penetrate the gloom...
  6. FaeMelody

    A Mages' Pride... (Amatuer Juggler & FaeMelody) [Inactive]

    FaeMelody submitted a new role play: A Mages' Pride... (Amatuer Juggler & FaeMelody) - Private 1x1 - How two mages have to over come pride to save their kingdom. Read more about this role play...
  7. FaeMelody

    A Mages' Pride... (Amatuer Juggler & FaeMelody)

    ~Synopsis~ It has been ten years since the humans finally turned the tides of the war and forced the dark creatures of Tel'Roth under ground. Ten years of peace and prosperity under the guidance of the beloved Prophet King has returned the kingdom of Ashadon to a resemblance of its former...
  8. FaeMelody

    New to here... Not to roleplaying! (plots)

    Haha I don't expect people to match me paragraph for paragraph. Just when the words want to flow, they'll flow and I'm in no position to silence them! Expect a PM soon just have to write out some of the finer details I had in mind. =D
  9. FaeMelody

    New to here... Not to roleplaying! (plots)

    I like to think so, getting back into things my starting posts have been quite the novels so far. Has been really fun! I'd love to do that roleplay with you! That plot was actually the straw that broke my poor camel back as I loved the idea so much but just couldn't get my head around the male...
  10. FaeMelody

    New to here... Not to roleplaying! (plots)

    Hi there! Sure I'd love to discuss the idea further with you so we can hash out the finer details. I'll send you a message! =)
  11. FaeMelody

    New to here... Not to roleplaying! (plots)

    I'd rather they remain under my bed and I don't want to meet any in a dark alley. Writing wise... well what did you have in mind?
  12. FaeMelody

    To the Sound of the Drum [Inactive]

    The sounds of the busy market were thick in the air, harvest season was in full swing and people were desperate to sell what they had before taxes were due for an unbelievable third time that season. There was tension in the atmosphere, the people were angry. It was subtle things that made it...
  13. FaeMelody

    New to here... Not to roleplaying! (plots)

    Hmm hadn't thought of changing the hetero pairings but probably would be easiest to do with the last plot 'To trust a magical lie', I'll shoot you a message when I wake, about to collapse into bed =]
  14. FaeMelody

    Recruiting all one x one junkies! ;p

    Hi there, I'm interested in writing some roleplay magic! I didn't have an exact pairing in mind but hoping we can come up with something in the fantasy/adventure/action type genre. I prefer playing female mains but I'm happy to double, triple or quadruple as needed. Shoot me a message if...
  15. FaeMelody

    New to here... Not to roleplaying! (plots)

    Hey there, as the title states this is my first venture on RpN but I'm a roleplayer from way back when. I've had a recent 2 year break from roleplaying and writing in general. I'm desperate to change that! I really want to get back into writing my novels but find the time I've spent silent has...