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  1. MaxiMal

    Fantasy young deities - main

    Finch watched as the crying god moved toward him. They seemed very unhappy about this interaction. Well, that doesn’t seem right. Who wouldn’t want to meet me? Finch took their outstretched hand and shook it, smiling graciously. He bent down- somehow they were even shorter than him- and wiped...
  2. MaxiMal

    Fantasy young deities - main

    Finch had been wondering what he could do that might be the most fun, when a particularly strong gust blew over him, and a flash of white caught the edge of his vision. Opportunity! Adventure! He turned just in time to see a strange deity he didn't know hide their face, their veil drifting...
  3. MaxiMal

    Just Goofin'

    Thanks bruh
  4. MaxiMal

    Fantasy young deities - main

    Finch folded his legs, floating in an empty patch of space in The Playground. Nothing except gaseous matter existed for miles around, as far as he could sense; the perfect spot to practice. He lifted his arms like a conductor- if only for the flair of it- and swept them down. Like the crack of...
  5. MaxiMal

    Just Goofin'

    Lipstick? In my Valentino white bag? Hi! And thank you so much! I hope never to, it’s my favorite hobby :)
  6. MaxiMal

    Just Goofin'

    Thank you!
  7. MaxiMal

    Just Goofin'

    Hey! I'm Max, but you can call me... anytime ; ) i'm so sorry I'm new to this site in particular but I've spent about six-eight (I'm really not sure anymore) years doing roleplay and writing on-and-off on another site that holds quite a special place in my heart. However, I'm expanding my views...
  8. MaxiMal

    Fantasy original deity group RP

    I just want to place a blessing on you for reserving my spot from the site I love you so much ;-; His form is below, edited for a new goal bc I realized it fits him really well and some other stuff just to fit the site/post better