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  1. Cynder

    Ultimate Crossover [Roleplay Sign - Up / OCC]

    The Idea Imagine just for a second. Think of one character. Or two. Or maybe even three. This character, she or he is your favorite, right? Now, imagine if they are real. Now THEY are real. They have arrived in this world thanks to a mysterious light that had carried between the dimensions...
  2. Cynder

    Fantasy/Slice of Life Combination (I'm not even sure what I'm doing) RP Idea

  3. Cynder


    Oh good. Nothing like a good, healthy community. And do not worry, I do not "prey" on victims, I just give helpful tips. Thank you everyone for your kind words. ~ Cynder
  4. Cynder


    Thank you, everyone.
  5. Cynder

    Ww: Legends~ Sign-Up and Info!

    Full Name: Count Ambrogio Alessandro (Means "Immortal", "Protector of Mankind") Nickname(s): "One may call me Eli." (When around humans, he is known as "Elijah") Gender: Male Age: 14 Race: Vampire Appearance...
  6. Cynder

    ~ Fantasy Roleplay: Academy Of The Arcane Artes ~

    Probably one of my most flawed ideas ever, but I still love this one the same. Academy Of The Arcane Artes is deeply focused on the genre of Fantasy and Supernatural under the idea that students from two different worlds: Lucis, and Earth are chosen to attend this school. Earth is in modern...
  7. Cynder


    Hello, and good greetings. I am Cynder, and I'm from a distant land. A few, actually. One being Roleplayer Guild. Might know me, might not. I'm pretty decent with Roleplay, and I'm a grammar nazi. I'm looking for some good Roleplays and to share my ideas. It is very nice to meet you...