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  1. E

    Winters Veil

    Shar'ell lurked behind a wall, her dappled winter coat slightly helping her blend into the weathered wood, as she watched the boy say his prayer. She had seen him a few times before since she began to visit the house. He intrigued her but as yet she was too timid to actually speak to him. So...
  2. E

    Nine Circles *work in progress*

    Here we have some characters! -format- Name: Age: Gender: Race: Class/Rank: Abilities: Bio: -example- Name: Jyrelle Age: 142 Gender: Unknown Race: Demon Class/Rank: Upper Circle: 7 (violence) Abilities: Shape shifting Bio: Jyrelle is a shape shifter, using hir...
  3. E

    Nine Circles *work in progress*

    There are nine circles of hell, each with its share of sinners. But also with its share of demons. This is the story of those demons as they interact within their world and sometimes escape into the mortal realm. The nine circles are: 1. Limbo 2. Lust 3. Gluttony 4. Greed 5. Anger...
  4. E

    The Kindle -- Good or Bad?

    I've actually gotten very accustomed to eBooks. I spend a lot of time online so I'm used to reading on a screen. I like how cheap the eBook versions of books are, plus as someone said, it's more eco friendly. I use my phone with a kindle app and another reader app to read on the go, it's smaller...
  5. E

    Hey All!

    Hey there! I'm Elizabeth, or usually online as Crys :) I'll answer to either and a myriad of nicknames besides. I've been on a few rps before :) mostly ones my friends or I have started. But I'm willing to pretty much give any a go ;) I love reading, writing, drawing, music and watching...