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  • Users: Brave
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  1. Brave

    The Pacific [Inactive]

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  2. Brave

    Degenerates [Inactive]

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  3. Brave

    I Left My Heart In Paris [Inactive]

    Every voice slurred into each other, a whirlwind of colors behind Gene's closed eye lids. Angry reds, sad blues, numb greys. It was painful to hear, or was that just his head? Hearing colors was probably not the best of signs. Peter's words were a deep purple, the red and blue interwoven until...
  4. Brave

    I Left My Heart In Paris [Inactive]

    "A wood-chipper, huh?" Gene slurred as his head finally lolled too far to the left and fell back across Merriell's lap, the soft linen of of his pants tickled the back of his neck, almost like corduroy, "Ne vous inquiétez pas mon ami. Vous serez toujours le plus beau de nous deux, mais je serai...
  5. Brave

    I Left My Heart In Paris [Inactive]

    Gene wheezed out a chuckle, his lungs burning. Coughs racked his small frame as he tried to curl into himself, curl away from the pain. His face turned into the lap below him, nosing at a bony knee. How he hated bruised ribs. The heat when you breathed, the pain the followed each lung full of...
  6. Brave

    I Left My Heart In Paris [Inactive]

    'That's nice.' Gene sighed as his tired yet flittering mind whirled about before settling on one memory in particular, long fingers carding through his matted hair. He was suddenly a young boy again, eyes too big for his face, curly hair untamed, framing high protruding cheekbones that stood out...
  7. Brave

    I Left My Heart In Paris [Inactive]

    Merriell fell backwards to avoid Damien's rush to the kitchen, his nose scrunching at the unmistakable sounds of retching. "You ok there Damien?" He called as he struggled to right himself back into a sitting position on the couch, rolling about like a turtle who had been flipped on its shell...
  8. Brave

    I Left My Heart In Paris [Inactive]

    'Am I flying?' He sighed to himself, wind rushing through his ears. Maybe he was finally dead, but that was a funny thought. Why was he flying? He should be falling through the earth while flames licked the tips of his feet. Yet here he was instead, light headed, nuzzled into soft leather with...
  9. Brave

    I Left My Heart In Paris [Inactive]

    "Feel like givin' that sass up boy?" The thug leered, his face rubbing up against the scruff that lined Gene's own jawline. Gene laughed once more, bits of spittle and blood flying from his mouth to land on the leader's face from his split lip. "Not even close." The Cajun wheezed, blood...
  10. Brave

    I Left My Heart In Paris [Inactive]

    The cajun's eyes narrowed, his head cocking to the side as he took in Peter's face. His spindly fingers reached up slowly to run over sharp cheek bones, and slanted cat like eyes. With teeth gritted, his soft caress turned harsh and rough as he gripped Peter's chin, his face moving up into her...
  11. Brave

    I Left My Heart In Paris [Inactive]

    "Who needs backyard parties when ya' have beer and good company? Who needs suburban zombies anyhow..." The Cajun muttered under labored breathes as he yanked on Damien's arms, slowly pulling the muscular body towards the passenger side door, "Allez Damien, travailler avec moi ici*." With...
  12. Brave

    I Left My Heart In Paris [Inactive]

    "Ya' got dem' white picket fences, huh? Never would have pegged ya' as one of dem'." Gene murmured over both Merriell and Damien, his voice low and his eyes downcast as he struggled under the weight of the two teenagers. It was an odd thought, that Peter had a home and a family outside the times...
  13. Brave

    I Left My Heart In Paris [Inactive]

    "Don' ya' worry now Peter, I'm all da' muscle ya' need. I'll jus' need two trips, as long as ya' got da' driving, mon ami." Gene smirked, with a quick wink. Before Peter turned away, his rough hand yanked on the of Perer's, pulling the teen towards him with a critical eye. His fingers went and...
  14. Brave

    I Left My Heart In Paris [Inactive]

    "Come on cher, let me up so ah' can help Peter off da' floo', huh? Ok?" Gene murmured as he slowly placed Merriell's half asleep form onto the bar top, a groan emitting from Mer's lips as his pale arms made grabbing motions towards Gene's torso, "Nah, ya' jus' go back ta' sleep." With another...
  15. Brave

    I Left My Heart In Paris [Inactive]

    "Je ne pense pas que ce soit une bonne idée, mon frère-*" Gene began as he tired to place Merriell in the most comfortable an least compromising position on his chest, but his words were drowned out by the deep slurring words of Damien. Suffice to say, Gene burned bridges, in fact he was the...
  16. Brave

    I Left My Heart In Paris [Inactive]

    "Une bonne nuit à oublier.*" Gene mumbled as a large pint of black stout was placed in front of him by Craig's large hands, bits of foam slide down the class's side from the force against the bar surface. With a lazy gesture, the Cajun gripped the mug tightly, eyes widening slightly at the shock...
  17. Brave

    I Left My Heart In Paris [Inactive]

    "It's ok. It's going to be ok." the red head whispered, his brown eyes filling with tears. 'If you can't cry, I'll cry for you.' Was Merriell's last thought before he threw his shaking arms around the hunched shoulders of Damien. How cruel Damien's life has been! How can a parent treat their...
  18. Brave

    I Left My Heart In Paris [Inactive]

    'I don't think I can face him. Them...' Gene sighed, smoke escaping slowly from chapped lips as he used his free hand to rub at his tired eyes. He was too weak, too tired, too everything. His humanity has fallen too far into the border line insane black area instead of society's usual grey that...
  19. Brave

    I Left My Heart In Paris [Inactive]

    Though the cajun was still weighed down by the water that fell in turrets about their merry group, he felt as if he could breathe for the first time in such a long time. Maybe that is what people meant when they said water was a cleanse, a rebirth if you will. Washed away now was all the anger...
  20. Brave

    I Left My Heart In Paris [Inactive]

    Gene had only ever seen Mrs. Leydon from a distance. She always looked like the proper southern lady Mer always described. Hair tied back to keep soft curls away from her perfectly maid up face. Dresses always long and billowing in bright colors, be speckled with flowers or polka dots. His eyes...