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  1. BadLuckLux

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    Spade maintained quiet throughout the conversation between Hyde and the vampire. Spade never much liked vampires, even before he became a Lycan. Spade hadn't noticed the tracker planted on him and was confused as to what the two were exchanging words about, but didn't feel any less weary. "A...
  2. BadLuckLux

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    Spade couldn't help but raise his eyebrows at what the doctor was saying. "You've found a way around infection?" He asked, genuinely interested. "How effective is it? Does it just prevent infection, or can it revert it too?" Spade inquired. He was at first thinking for himself. Maybe he can rid...
  3. BadLuckLux

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    Spade raised an eyebrow. He could see the wonderment in the doctor's eyes as he not so subtly stares at the wounds quickly healing. "Yes, I am a little curious as to why you are so willing to help strangers, let alone a Lycan. Not to say I'm dangerous or anything," Spade reinforced, after all...
  4. BadLuckLux

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    A little startled by the fact that the doctor is aware that Spade is indeed a Lycan, most human's aren't as easily calm when in a Lycan's presence, He winced with another removal of a deeply lodged bullet. "Thanks for the hospitality." Spade grunted. "How long have you been sticking around this...
  5. BadLuckLux

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    Spade winced as the Doctor dug into his wounds with his tools. "I couldn't tell you who these bandits were," Spade replied between expressions of discomfort. "they just looked and behaved the part." Spade wished he could tell the truth, he knew exactly who these bandits were, but he wished not...
  6. BadLuckLux

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    Spade felt a little uneasy at the sight of the tools, but only knew that was the only thing that could help at this point. "My name is Spade." He said in between coughs. "I've been travelling, trying to find a new home in this hell." Managing a grimace Spade thought of the life he had...
  7. BadLuckLux

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    Spade was surprised at the stranger's willingness to help someone he didn't know when times are so dangerous. "I got a little mixed up." He coughed, a little blood on his lips. Spade found himself worried, Dangerous Times he thought to himself. This man is a stranger to him as well, who knows...
  8. BadLuckLux

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    Spade was in trouble now. He could take a bullet or two, that was easy being a lycan, but 16 in rapid succession? Spade was beginning to lose his faith. stumbling bloodily in his human form towards a grocery store in hopes of finding something in there that could aid him. Shit! Spade almost...
  9. BadLuckLux

    When Darkness Comes.

    Name: Spade Valentine Age:23 Species: Werewolf Appearance: When in his standard human appearance, Spade has his hair up in a Tall, black Pompadour, with Skinny Dark Jeans, a Black Tee, and a leather biker's Jacket. (Wolven form, Dark Grey fur with White Chest.) Personality: Quiet, and...
  10. BadLuckLux

    Hogwarts- A New Rise [Inactive]

    As Lux, a fourth year, sat at a table with a group of friends admiring the ceremony of the Sorting hat, he noticed a couple of students making haste out of the great hall; one following the other. As the younger, a first year slytherin stepped out, Lux notice the older student cast the cloaking...
  11. BadLuckLux

    Hogwarts- A New Rise

    [Name] Lux MCallister [Age] 14 [Gender] Male [Year] 4 [House] Ravenclaw [Appearance] Hair: Dark Brown (Rockabilly Pompadour) Eyes: Dark blue Height: 6'4" Build: Tone [Race] Human [Personality] Outgoing and always full of desire to meet new people. Lux...