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  1. Morgana Pendragon

    Survivors [Inactive]

    This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period". Please contact an @Rp Moderator if you feel this was a mistake or if you would like to have your role play reactivated. Thank you for your participation...
  2. Morgana Pendragon

    THE BEST 1x1 with MythsAreRealLoveGem [Inactive]

    This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period". Please contact an @Rp Moderator if you feel this was a mistake or if you would like to have your role play reactivated. Thank you for your participation...
  3. Morgana Pendragon

    Rise Of The God's [Inactive]

    "Well that could come in handy in certain situations," Celaena laughed. "Hey waitress, another refill over here please," she called holding her cup in the air. The waitress came and politely refilled her drink. Celaena slipped a couple bills on her tray. "Thank you, darlin." she smiled, the...
  4. Morgana Pendragon

    Rise Of The God's [Inactive]

    {i don't see any harm in it, it makes the story better if there are npc's in my opinion :) } "So..." Celaena drawled taking another swig of her drink. "Where should we begin?"
  5. Morgana Pendragon

    Rise Of The God's [Inactive]

    "Just a good old fashioned Rum and Coke my friend," she took a big swig and sat her mug on the table. "So where should we start boys?" Celaena asked leaning back in her chair, crossing her arms behind her head.
  6. Morgana Pendragon

    The Collective

    Just wanted to say to everyone sorry for the hold up i wasnt aware we started :( it wont happen again
  7. Morgana Pendragon

    Rise Of The God's [Inactive]

    Celaena went straight to the bar passing the rest of the group. "One for me please," she said, taking the full mug and heading back to a secluded table big enough for their entire group to sit in comfortably. She was sure to pick one that was secluded enough that they could talk without worry of...
  8. Morgana Pendragon

    Angels On earth [Inactive]

    -Arriane- "Look what we have here, I must be late for the party," she grinned flicking her long flaming red hair over her shoulder.
  9. Morgana Pendragon

    1X1 anyone?

    of course pm me :)
  10. Morgana Pendragon

    Angels On earth

    Name- Kaleb Gilbert Age- 20 Angel or human- human Gender- male Human look- (without armor obviously haha) Personality- Kaleb is portrayed as being highly courageous, honorable, dutiful and just. He is always portrayed as seeking to do the right thing, Kaleb is at times conflicted when...
  11. Morgana Pendragon

    Rise Of The God's [Inactive]

    "Are we almost there?" Celaena asked, not able to contain the excitement in her voice. Man how she prayed that they were almost there. It was so close she could taste it.
  12. Morgana Pendragon

    Rise Of The God's [Inactive]

    "Sounds like my kind of place," Celaena smirked and sped up so she was in step with Alastrin. "So... How well DO you know this bar?" she teased.
  13. Morgana Pendragon

    Rise Of The God's [Inactive]

    "Thank you kind sir," Celaena said taking the umbrella from Alastrin's outstretched hand. She also followed behind him, he is the one knowing where he is going after all.
  14. Morgana Pendragon

    Rise Of The God's [Inactive]

    "Bar sounds good too me, make us all let loose a little bit." Celaena said a little energy returning just thinking about it. "Someone has got to know this neighborhood, if not why the h*ll are we all here for?" she said bemused.
  15. Morgana Pendragon


    Sign up Form Name: (First and Last) Nickname: (optional) Age: Height: (optional) Weight: (optional) Personality: History: Why were you flying to America?: (Like in Lost the plane crashed on it's way to America, lets say from Australia also like the show. Make it easy on...
  16. Morgana Pendragon

    Survivors [Inactive]

    Morgana Pendragon submitted a new role play: Survivors - What would you do if you were stranded with people you've never met? Read more about this role play...
  17. Morgana Pendragon


    Please use this thread for all of your OOC needs! Read more about this role play...
  18. Morgana Pendragon

    Rise Of The God's [Inactive]

    "At least you can use your powers in this god forsaken weather," I grumbled handing Xobic back his cloak, too drained to care anymore. I tried lighting the fire within just to dry myself off, but the rain was so bad outside and i was already so run down only tiny whisps of steam came off my...
  19. Morgana Pendragon

    Rise Of The God's [Inactive]

    "Nice to meet you tall, dark, and handsome," I teased, slightly surprised that he offered up his name he didn't look like the talkative type.
  20. Morgana Pendragon

    Rise Of The God's [Inactive]

    "That's awfully kind of you," she said looking back at the others. "Aren't you guy's going to tell us your names now?" Celaena asked crossing her arms over her chest.