Search results for query: *

  1. Burning Rose

    Hidden Secrets

    Name Hailey Woods Age 14 Gender Female Royal or Human Human Grade 9th Description Personality Hailey is a preserved and prefers to keep quiet and avoid things like love and friendship. She can't stand being in big crowd. She's not very fond of meeting new...
  2. Burning Rose

    Are You My Soul?

    Full name Eliza (Liz) Grover Age 19 Appearance Strengths She's confident about herself, she's wise with words, and tries to be kind to everyone she meets. Weaknesses She is selfless and lets people walk all over her, she is scared of being betrayed, and feels awkward...
  3. Burning Rose

    Legend of the Deep

    Hello I'm attempting to sign up for this and I was wondering can the character be a former noble and then become a pirate? If no then I won't make that part of the story. Terribly sorry for asking about it.
  4. Burning Rose

    Hello World, My new friend Canadia Writer requested this website to me she says it's fun and...

    Hello World, My new friend Canadia Writer requested this website to me she says it's fun and that I'll like it...I hope I do...