I just finished the book The Pirate Kings Daughter not too long ago but at the moment I'm trying to find a new book... So in the mean time I'm reading manga!
Kuro Hakushaku wa Hoshi o Mederu. (Historical vampire hunting)
I normally go off of a forum, though I do get very inspired by the music I listen to as well as the plot when I make the character. It really depends on what the plot is and how excited I am for how my character turns out.
Normally I play as female characters but I also don't mind playing a male character... Though overall if I had a choice of what gender normally I go female unless forced other wise.
I love to listen to music, or have a exploration YouTube video playing. I tend to have something on like ghost exploring videos when I read as well just something about hearing people walk around and get scared adds something to the piece you're reading...
6/10 I like your avatar but the person just blends in and its hard to see really. If it were to be darkened around the person or the person darkened.. I feel like that would make it even better...
:bishiesparklesr: Hello, my name is Mary but I tend to go by Wahsobe (Wah•Sob•Ee). :bishiesparklesl:
I have been forum roleplaying for many years, and have slowly been getting better... Though the sites I have normally gone on are long and gone or changed to the point where it is...