Search results for query: *

  1. Wahsobe

    Video Games Your first video game?

    An old CSI game which was used on a very old PC or Tomb raider on the ps
  2. Wahsobe

    Video Games Which game are you obsessed with?

    Mabinogi is my favorite game at the moment which is a Korean RPG
  3. Wahsobe

    Literature What are you reading right now?

    I just finished the book The Pirate Kings Daughter not too long ago but at the moment I'm trying to find a new book... So in the mean time I'm reading manga! Kuro Hakushaku wa Hoshi o Mederu. (Historical vampire hunting)
  4. Wahsobe

    Hello! ?

    Hmm I don't really have a favorite either, I think My Hero is pretty good! Though I normally read manga... haha
  5. Wahsobe

    Digital Art Dump - Wahsobe

    I just noticed I put my instagram backwards... its peaches_depressed LOL
  6. Wahsobe

    Digital Art Dump - Wahsobe

    Instagram - Depressed_Peaches
  7. Wahsobe

    Hello! ?

    Hello, welcome to rp nation!! What is your favorite anime? :ghostl:
  8. Wahsobe

    Hello everyone!

    Hello, welcome to rp nation! // I too am new but hey we can learn this together! :ghostl:
  9. Wahsobe

    Other How do you create your characters?

    I normally go off of a forum, though I do get very inspired by the music I listen to as well as the plot when I make the character. It really depends on what the plot is and how excited I am for how my character turns out.
  10. Wahsobe

    Other Why did you pick your name?

    I use to go by Wasabi but that username was taken on other sites so I just ended up saying/spelling it like this.
  11. Wahsobe

    Other What are your passions/hobbies? Besides roleplaying of course!

    Art/Photography Video Games Reading Sleeping Collecting fake succulents/plants...etc.
  12. Wahsobe

    What song are you listening to?

  13. Wahsobe

    Viewpoint Do you ever play the opposite gender? Do you prefer it?

    Normally I play as female characters but I also don't mind playing a male character... Though overall if I had a choice of what gender normally I go female unless forced other wise.
  14. Wahsobe

    Other Background noise when you write or no?

    I love to listen to music, or have a exploration YouTube video playing. I tend to have something on like ghost exploring videos when I read as well just something about hearing people walk around and get scared adds something to the piece you're reading...
  15. Wahsobe

    Would you marry the avatar above you?

    I would not, though the wolf is adorable but not in the marry type of way.
  16. Wahsobe

    Rate the avatar above you on a scale of 1-10

    6/10 I like your avatar but the person just blends in and its hard to see really. If it were to be darkened around the person or the person darkened.. I feel like that would make it even better...
  17. Wahsobe


    :bishiesparklesr: Hello, my name is Mary but I tend to go by Wahsobe (Wah•Sob•Ee). :bishiesparklesl: I have been forum roleplaying for many years, and have slowly been getting better... Though the sites I have normally gone on are long and gone or changed to the point where it is...