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  1. Terik Broseiden

    Mercenary Spy role play

    Well I had NOOOO idea anyone would be interested in this! Thanks guys! I'll try to get this thing up and running.
  2. Terik Broseiden

    American Horror Story: The Underground [Inactive]

    "It's kind of quiet in here, so-" Brandon slide his way over to the bar. Someone long ago had brought an iHome speaker system and never took it back. Or they never found it. It was dusty, but worked like a charm. Brandon pulled an old white mp3 player. It had a crack in the screen, but still...
  3. Terik Broseiden

    American Horror Story: The Underground [Inactive]

    Brandon set his bottle down, rose from his spot on the ground and headed for Kaitlin's generous gift. It's a miracle he even set his bottle down, but only one other thing could make him do that. "At least someone's sharing! Thank you, Katie!" Brandon licked his finger tip, scooped up some sugar...
  4. Terik Broseiden

    The Left 4 Dead Experience (Game one and two)

    Francis is a tough biker with tattoos covering his arms and neck. His tattoos identify him as a member of "Hell's Legion". He wears a black leather vest over a white tank top, fingerless gloves, black jeans and boots. He is an impressive 6 feet 5 inches tall. Francis has a self-centered...
  5. Terik Broseiden

    Mercenary Spy role play

    I've had this RP idea in my head, about 5 mercenaries, trying to stop WW3. Well, nuclear war. It started out as a Spy RP, then started to lean towards mercs, but still retaining some espionage elements. It would have 5 roles to fill. Sniper/recon medic demo man grenadier hacker intel...
  6. Terik Broseiden

    American Horror Story: The Underground [Inactive]

    "I know we're dead and all but I can still feel you kicking me!" Brandon lifted his body up, his head still pounds from last night. The T-Shirt is covered in what looks like dried puke. A combination of vodka, beer and probably ecstasy. "F**k it" he says to himself, stripping off his shirt...
  7. Terik Broseiden

    American Horror Story: The Underground

    Brandon Stensrud, 17, FC: Evan Peters, Open~ Traits: +Funny, comical, cheesy, adorable; -Careless, misunderstanding, easily distracted Backstory/Cause of Death: Brandon died in the Underground after an overdose of pills and an overdose of pure vodka. He was the most careless of the group...
  8. Terik Broseiden


    Heyo! The name's Terik. New guy. A friend of mine told me about this site and I've lurked long enough to get the courage to join. So here I am. :big grin: