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  1. IMadeYouReadThis

    Experiences Most Uncomfortable Roleplay?

    There have been a 2 times in which I THINK I'm getting into a amazing character driven RP...only to have it slowly devolve into a orgy out of nowhere.
  2. IMadeYouReadThis

    Other Your Favourite Legend of Zelda game?

    In terms of gameplay Breath of the Wild hands down no question, no debate, no consideration fight me if you think otherwise. However, when it comes to just about everything else (Music, presentation, etc..) Majoria's if only they could combine the two in some sort of...remake.
  3. IMadeYouReadThis

    What does the avatar above you smell like?

    Preciousness and poultry.
  4. IMadeYouReadThis

    What is the avatar above you thinking?

    "Ah geez it's them again."
  5. IMadeYouReadThis

    Video Games Worst Part of Your Favorite Game?

    The entirety of the demon sections in Dark Souls. ESPECIALLY the Bed of Chaos.
  6. IMadeYouReadThis

    Video Games What Video Games do you consider to be Overhyped and/or Overrated?

    Never really liked the Uncharted series. I tried 2 but found myself bored throughout most of it. I just never really found any of it interesting or fun really. Also I personally think Zelda: OoT is not nearly as good as MM but that's just me.
  7. IMadeYouReadThis

    Other I've noticed something...

    Most of the time I feel as though it's just a preference. I know female RolePlayers that strictly do MxM and FxF even though they're 100% straight (Last I checked at least.) I for one love all FxF, MxM, MxF yet don't like being the female in a MxF.
  8. IMadeYouReadThis

    Video Games Favorite Guilty Pleasure Game?

    Is there a game that is generally disliked by most people in the community (A game with a lot of low review scores for example) that you can't help but enjoy? For me it has to be Resident Evil 6. I know it is a straight nose dive from the survival horror aspect and some might consider it the...
  9. IMadeYouReadThis

    Anime & Manga Does Anyone Else Base Whether or Not They'll Watch an Anime or Read a Manga...

    I tend to watch Anime with more "unique" art styles. Kaiji Ultimate Survivor and Hajime No Ippo come to mind when I think of such an art style. Then avoid anime with more "typical" art styles. It's only until I get recommendations from friends that I actually watch said anime. Which sucks...
  10. IMadeYouReadThis

    Experiences How have you changed as a roleplayer?

    OH BOY WHERE DO I START! I started RolePlaying without even knowing what RolePlaying was and was just doing these actions through text with terrible writing. All, and I mean all of my characters were just self-inserts of me. I played only in the first person (Which is something I absolutely hate...
  11. IMadeYouReadThis

    Video Games Favourite game?... ever?

    I don't think I've ever beaten a game more times than I have with Bloodborne. I'm currently sitting on 15 total playthroughs, and every so often I get the urge to start another one. No other game has ever gone over 3 replays so that kinda says a lot about how much I love this game!
  12. IMadeYouReadThis

    Hey, How You Doin'?

    Hello! My name is Sam, I'm 18 livin' in a location as a Full-Time College Student studying to get into the field of Forensic Science. I wouldn't really say I'm new to this site, I've visited plenty of times but never really bothered to make an account. (Not exactly sure why) However, lately I've...