For me, definitely Donnie Darko. Cliche, yeah, but... Jesus, I can't explain it. Just one of those that makes you super uncomfortable while you watch it.
Uh, hi! I'm a bit new, but I've sort of been dying for something to do with Overwatch, if you're still looking for it? I'm also pretty flexible with who I can play, if that helps.
Long story short if you want to shoot me a PM.
Hey, guys! Fresh meat, here. Looking for some people to talk to/write with. So, uh... here we go?
For starters, I'm a pretty chill dude. So, if you have an idea for something, feel free to hit me up. Hell, I may even like it more than you think. Just try me! Of course, I do have my limits, but...
Hello, fellow dorks! Can't tell you guys how happy I am to be here. This place seems great, from the little bit of casing that I did before joining up. And, whether you're looking for someone to write with, or just some random dude to chill out with for a while, I'm your guy. I'm looking forward...