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  1. Ghostly Banjo

    Ignite your Spark, a Magic: the Gathering roleplay [Inactive]

    This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period". Please contact an @Rp Moderator if you feel this was a mistake or if you would like to have your role play reactivated. Thank you for your participation...
  2. Ghostly Banjo

    We Will Live [Inactive]

    Allie shifted, pulling the blanket over her head as Rayna started shouting. With the kick to the bedframe, she sat up, her book and reading light sent across the room. "I'm up, I'm up!" She leaned against the palm of her hand, falling back asleep. She quickly remembered where she was...
  3. Ghostly Banjo

    Darth Vader for President, 2014

    I could make this a political debate on the Crimea incident, but what's the fun in arguing? I'd rather hear everyone discuss Darth Vader's campaign to snatch the Ukrainian presidency. If you think it's a hoax.... Click Here Any thoughts?
  4. Ghostly Banjo

    Ignite your Spark, a Magic: the Gathering roleplay

    Please use this thread for all of your OOC needs! Read more about this role play...
  5. Ghostly Banjo

    Ignite your Spark, a Magic: the Gathering roleplay

    Read more about this role play... Character sheet :3 Name: [insert name here] Age: [PlanesWalkers live longer than normal, so remember that!] Gender: [uhh...] Race: [Elf? Lich? Human? Gnome? Tell me :D ] Home Plane: [The Timeline has a good bunch, but this isn't too...
  6. Ghostly Banjo

    Ignite your Spark, a Magic: the Gathering roleplay [Inactive]

    Ghostly Banjo submitted a new role play: Ignite your Spark, a Magic: the Gathering roleplay - Ignite your spark and explore the multiverse! Read more about this role play...
  7. Ghostly Banjo

    Deathlands - Anachronisms [Inactive]

    As Duncan shouted, Thomas had Lady Mare jump around and take off, barrelling down the road. He ran, praying out loud that neither he nor his horse would be hit. Thomas's heart split as Lady Mare stumbled, the sickening realization of what had happened had begun to set in. She was his first...
  8. Ghostly Banjo

    Thanks for the follow ^.^

    Thanks for the follow ^.^
  9. Ghostly Banjo

    Deathlands - Anachronisms [Inactive]

    Something really wasn't right. First off, someone with a wagon like that would have a hard time getting stuck under the wheel like that, unless they were truly stupid. Second, they hadn't unyoked the mules. Thomas tightened his grip on the reigns, his eyes focused on the ridge. Everything...
  10. Ghostly Banjo

    Never Dying [Inactive]

    Alexander scratched his head lazily, yawning quietly. He somewhat remembered the whole lot, most of his memory hazy. "Well..." He stretched. "I know that name, for sure." He stuck his hand towards Ambrose, looking tired. "Alexander."
  11. Ghostly Banjo

    Deathlands - Anachronisms [Inactive]

    Thomas had still helped, refusing to sit around when work was to be done. He hadn't really needed food, as he had already eaten. While Amber and Duncan inspected the new vehicle, he tended to his horse. He shared a bag of oats with her, trying to figure out all that's happened the past few...
  12. Ghostly Banjo

    Deathlands - Anachronisms [Inactive]

    "Lyin' ain't helped no one, no sir." Thomas looked at Duncan as he spoke, almost every word going right over his head. He nodded in agreement at the idea of moving his horse and cart, leading Lady Mare along the rough terrain. The experienced horse stepping easily over rocks and holes. He...
  13. Ghostly Banjo

    Never Dying [Inactive]

    Thomas looked up from his seat in the alley, his eyes fixing on the scene unfolding in front of him. "What the...?" He watched with faint interest, unsure if he should go and make sure the driver was alright. He shifted his focus on the girl, wondering who she was and why she acted so...
  14. Ghostly Banjo


    I dunno if I can .3. Can I join?
  15. Ghostly Banjo

    Deathlands - Anachronisms [Inactive]

    "Where was Ah last?" He thought it was a rather odd thing to ask. "On mah ranch, Central Oklahoma. The year and ' day? Mighty odd question... June 7th, 1938. Ah don't know what that has tah do with anyhtin', though..." He scratched his head with his free hand, all these questions making...
  16. Ghostly Banjo

    Deathlands - Anachronisms [Inactive]

    Thomas stood slowly, his gun not raised but he held it. He made a quick observation of their camp, noting it was just a man and woman, nothing like the bands of thieves and raiders he'd experienced . Maybe they'd be friendlier? If they weren't, he was sure they would have fired already...
  17. Ghostly Banjo

    We Will Live

    Name: Allie Markhov Age: 21 Gender: Female Personality: Very social and friendly. She'll be friends with you before she'll learn your name, unless you're the enemy, then there's a tendency for her to fire a few thousand rounds from her 'Mech's 30mm cannon. Mech's Looks/description(If...
  18. Ghostly Banjo

    Deathlands - Anachronisms [Inactive]

    Thomas crouched lower in the grass, hoping for some concealment as he shouldered his Winchester M1897, keeping it in a more ready-to-go position than one of taking aim. He tried keeping a low profile as he watched, his straw hair blending well with the yellow-straw like grass around him. He...
  19. Ghostly Banjo

    Never Dying

    Egypt! Appearance: Name: Alexander van der Linden Gender: Male Physical age(5-15): 15 Your Test (The test to prove your immortal, each one is different): Directly put into a furnace normally used to melt steel. His screams of pain eventually subsided into sighs of boredom, and he...
  20. Ghostly Banjo

    Home sweet Homestay

    I'll go for it!