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  1. Jonathan Fender

    Help Need an update on this

    Yeah that's what I really meant. I'm havin a hard time findin them on this RP I'm creatin. If I hafta set em up, I'd like some pointers on howda do that.
  2. Jonathan Fender

    Help Need an update on this

    How do I make OOC, character sheets, and so on, separate deals? Like tabs?
  3. Jonathan Fender

    Fantasy What are we?

    Go ahead an' elaborate on 'er. If ya want, ya can play 'er twin sis too.
  4. Jonathan Fender

    Fantasy What are we?

  5. Jonathan Fender

    Fantasy What are we?

    We ain't human. Not really. That's why we're here. Where do we go from here? If ya don't know, than yer in trouble. Start thinkin an' start thinkin fast boys an' girls cuz if ya thought yer powers were causin ya problems ya got another thing comin. It's survival of the fittest, an' I'm cravin...
  6. Jonathan Fender

    Fantasy ~Roleplay partner search~ (ignore prefix)

    I hate ta pull a dumb one on ya, but how do I private message ya?
  7. Jonathan Fender

    Sup guys?

    Well, bro, if those are your interests, keep track of my posts, cuz I got somethin cookin in my personal workshop. It's gonna have a little bit of everythin an then some.
  8. Jonathan Fender

    Sup guys?

    Thanks, bro.
  9. Jonathan Fender

    Sup guys?

    Sup guys? Nothin much to say bout myself except I'm perty normal. I do my best to be unique and I hope to be a writer one day.