Like you, I'm interested in coding as well. I've found this online class called cs50 on EdX. It's an intro to CS and they do introduce you to different languages. You get to apply what you've learned right away through homework, or pset as they call it. You also have the choice to audit the...
Name: Terra Garegin
Nickname/s: None at the moment
Age: 20
Height: 5'6"
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Role and occupation on the island:
- An island native
- Her family owns a canoe business. Manages a boat rental service (including jet skies and other water-related equipment)
- Helps...
Island natives? Hmm...where is this located? O.o XD
Hallo! Question, is there anything in particular I should know or do if I want my character to be an island native?
Wello, hello, Yellow! Welcome or Welcome Back, White Stag!^^
Gah, I see now why you're the hero, The Mechanist. A certain song is now stuck in my head! e.e
Ack, so strict >.> and what happens if I fail? Dryness tends to overtake me and I almost always am lacking in moisture @.@#$%&* That said, I'm in dire need of lotion x.x