I would really love to RP a apocalypse scenario! :3 I'm going to message you asap! ❤
My native language is German! :3 But I'm also half Korean, but I'm sadly only learning the language now since my parents wanted me to focus more on my mother tongue since I would be going to school here in...
안녕! ~ ♥
Ah I'm only half Korean! ;; I'm still learning the language since I had a hard time learning it as a child and my parents wanted me to concentrate on my mother tongue! ;; ♥
Hello!~ :3
I would be totally alright with playing a roleplay where two shy characters come together! :3 I've never done one but I bet that it could be a really cute and awesome RP! ❤
I'm also alright with swearing and violence! Just please not too much! :3
So~ I would really love to RP...