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  1. Zoeriffic

    Roleplay (in school)

    (my laptop broke so sorry i understand if you want me to leave? i have no idea whats been happening...)
  2. Zoeriffic

    Roleplay (in school)

    She ran up to him and walked right behind him not making a sound. 
  3. Zoeriffic

    Roleplay (in school)

    she looked at nim and smiled slightly "am i on your team?" she asked quietly
  4. Zoeriffic

    Roleplay (in school)

    (wait whose my team? XD sorry!)
  5. Zoeriffic

    Roleplay (in school)

    her eyes widened and she took one step back. "w-wait is this m-mandatory?..." she asked. @The Outcast
  6. Zoeriffic

    Roleplay (in school)

    she looked at him never meeting him but didnt care. "uh wait whats going on..." she asked hesitantly @The Outcast
  7. Zoeriffic

    Roleplay (in school)

    she looked down her eyes getting watery "s-sorry i was being s-stupid..." she sighed and took a deep breath. "but whats going on?" @limitBREAK
  8. Zoeriffic

    Roleplay (in school)

    (dude i missed so much and havent read...) Askio was walking around and saw nim. she walked up to him and whispered "hey whats going on?"
  9. Zoeriffic

    Roleplay (in school)

    She stopped suddenly "o-oh sorry!"  @Iryxa
  10. Zoeriffic

    Roleplay (in school)

    haofihaiousfuj (if u saw it earlier there u go ugh sorry i messed up
  11. Zoeriffic

    Roleplay (in school)

    She smiled widely and put a hand on the door. "wow..." She was very excited to have a bed even a room. "thank you so much!" @Iryxa
  12. Zoeriffic

    Fandom Rp Anyone?

    I actually can't at the moment maybe later or tomorrow?
  13. Zoeriffic

    Roleplay (in school)

    She hesitated remembering about the headmaster. "w-wait but what about the class?" she asked but running to catch up with Miku. @Iryxa
  14. Zoeriffic

    Roleplay (in school)

    She gasped and her eyes watered up and quickly let go. "I-I'm so sorry!!" she backed away fast and felt ashamed. @Iryxa
  15. Zoeriffic

    Roleplay (in school)

    Her eyes widened and her stomach roared with hunger. She hadn't eaten in days or even slept in a real bed for years. "R-really?! you'd do that for me?!" With over joy she hugged her tightly then noticed her tail. "H-hey im a dragon to!" @Iryxa
  16. Zoeriffic

    Roleplay (in school)

    She smiled slightly back. "I-Im new..." she said while fiddling with her hands nervously. "Oh do you kn-know if theres dorms here? and m-maybe food?" @Iryxa
  17. Zoeriffic

    Roleplay (in school)

    She looked out the window and spotted Miku, which made her smile a little bit and she waved slightly. @Iryxa
  18. Zoeriffic

    Roleplay (in school)

    She stayed close by Nim. "I'm Asiko..." she said very shy and staring at the ground. "Whats going on?" @limitBREAK
  19. Zoeriffic

    Roleplay (in school)

    she quickly nodded and jumped up "th-thank you" She followed right next to him.
  20. Zoeriffic

    Roleplay (in school)

    She gasped and quickly wiped the tears away then sniffled. She looked up at the stranger "S-sorry im fine..." She took a deep breath and  calmed herself down. @limitBREAK