Hello, all! Thanks for taking a quick peak in this rather weird request thread.
So, I've been a bit of a binge on the subject of Time Travel, with a few other things that had peaked my interest, so I decided to make this thread to see if anyone else would like to indulge in this weird new...
harry potter
slice of life
super powers
time travel
Warhammer, both fantasy and 40k I feel like would be amazing to do, but no-one seems to want to RP it. :C
Time travel is also another thing that many Fandom RPer's don't seem to really like, either. It'd be interesting to have characters go back in time to either fix or mess up things even more.
I feel like I write too much, but means very little. Like adding unnecessary details for an action.
Another word probably be starting with a massive, 7+ paragraph post and scaring my partners away because they feel like they have to match what I wrote. >-<
I mean, I'm not saying that EVERY game is bad, but it's just been flooded with the same games copying one or another for WAY to long. Witcher 3 and, like you said, Spider-Man are definitely some of the games that aren't absolutely awful and aren't made for quick cash grabs.
I think there needs to be another video game crash, like in the 80's. It might destroy some good companies but I feel like it simply needs to happen so we can have some creativity again.
Hello everyone! After a long time of work and other stuff, I'm back again looking for something pretty specific: LoL RP. I've been having the itch for a while now, and decided that my life has calmed down a bit I thought "Why not?" and posted this pretty simple thread.
Before we do anything...
Erm, kind of.
The only anime on the list is Hellsing, since it's the only one I've actually watched to completion. So, if you're interested in that we could think something up!